Phase 4

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You and the others were able to pass the third phase all thanks to Gon. You and Kurapika looked at each other and smiled and Kurapika grabs hold of your hand bring it towards his lips and kissed your knuckles.

<<<time skip>>>
After the explanation of the fourth phase, you sat next to Kurapika who is in between you and Leorio. The wolf sat beside you, with his head on your lap as you petted him.

"We'll need to move separately later. Will you be alright (y/n)?" Kuapika asked.
You giggled and replied him, "yes, I'll be fine Kura. There's nothing to worry about." Kurapika looked at you and his eyes are filled with worry.
You sighed and cupped his face and leaned your forehead on his.
"Have faith in me Kurapika. You must be safe ok?"
Kurapika leaned his head to your left hand more and nodded. "You too (n/n)"
You smiled and nodded.
"Can the two of you to please stop being lovey dovey in front of me?" Leorio said annoyed. You and Kurapika laughed and the three of you talked about the phase.

"So don't worry, the two of you aren't my targets" Leorio said.
"Same here" Kurapika said
"Oh dear... my target is you Leorio..." you said in a sad tone.
"Whaaaaaatttttt!?!?!" Leorio exclaimed.
You laughed and waved your hand, "haha, I'm just kidding Leorio"
Leorio let out a sigh of relief and Kurapika chuckled.

<<<Time skip>>>
"Next person please" the woman that brought you guys to the island called out and you stood up.
"Be safe (y/n)" you heard some of your friends called out. You nodded and stepped off the boat into island with the wolf beside you

You walked further into the forest with the wolf beside you. You glanced at him and thought to yourself, 'I should take him home first... the mother should be around here'. Without you noticing the wolf's ears went up and looked at the right. Then soon enough it ran to the right, you spun around and noticed that the wolf has already ran off.

"WAIT!" You shouted and ran after it. You followed him asking him to slow down but he didn't. You ran and ran until the both of you arrived at a beautiful flower bed and there you saw the mother wolf. Your eyes widen at the sight, surprised to see that the mother was actually a spirit, who is licking her own cub.

"You're..." You started as you took a step forward. The mother looked at you and nodded.

"That's right, I died trying to get my baby back, however, I failed and died. I couldn't move on because I was worried about him and his safety. I'm glad that I have met him and you leader of the (l/n) clan" slowly bits by bits the mother was slowly but surely disappearing.

"Please take care of him from this day onwards. And you my boy, protect her" was her last words and disappeared. The wolf that you brought howled in pain, mourning for his mother. You had a few tears dropping and you went towards the wolf and pulled him into a hug, and the both of you cried together.

<<<Time Skip>>>

You found your target and you and the wolf which you have named him (wolf's name) got the tag and in which you got 6 points. You smiled and the both of you went in search of Kurapika. You witnessed him making Tonpa fall and not only that the monkey guy and his monkey was about to run away. "Oh? And where do you think you are going?" You asked as the man jumped on the branch above you.

"Huh? Away from them, so see ya" He saluted and was about to jump but you used your dagger that has a string attached to it and threw it at his leg and pulled him down when your dagger got him.

"Ouch... what the -" He was about to question but was stopped by (wolf name) growling at him and looking down on him and he shivered. Footsteps were heard and you turned around to Leorio and Kurapika.

"(y/n)!" Leorio and Kurapika called out to you, you smiled. The three of you and (wolf name) went to help Leorio to look for his target after leaving Tonpa and the monkey man and his pet in the open tied up and defenseless.


"Man... You frightened us!" Leorio commented and you couldn't help but giggled.

"Well... then let's go find your target Leorio, come (wolf name)" You called out as you walked ahead. (Wolf name) ran up to you to walk beside you and you jumped onto him. Kurapika smiled at you and (wolf name), you felt his gaze and asked (wolf name) to slow down.

Once you were next to Kurapika you called out to him. "Kura"

"Hmm??" he hummed in response. You reached out your hand and asked "Wanna ride with me" Kurapika looked at you and smiled. "Okay" He put his hand in yours and you pulled him up and he sat behind you and you guys walked faster leaving a complaining Leorio.

You and Kurapika laughed at his antics while you guys went to search for his target. You were happy, even though this was the 4th phase of the exam, you were still happy to have friends, (wolf name) and most of all your lovely fiance.

Sorry ><!!! I had a writer block but I will try to finish this story

Im planning to end it soon but please enjoy it while it continues

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