The talk about the future

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You guys all got off the bus and looked at the humongous gate in front of you. You then saw some hunters went through the gate after the security guard has let them through. However, all you heard were screams and even the tourists ran back onto the bus. You were a bit scared and grabbed onto Kurapika's arm. Kurapika felt you shivering from fear and placed his hand on your shoulder and pulled you in towards him, whereas (w/n) was growling towards the gate.

The security guard allowed Gon to go inside to see the beast and you pushed your fears to the side and claimed that you want to go too. Kurapika was worried but know that you will be alright, if not he would rush in to save you if you screamed. The security guard nodded, and so you and Gon went through the gate and standing infront of you were the beast that has scared everyone and killed the hunters that came in a while ago. You took deep breaths and looked up and stared right into its crimson eyes. The beast tilted its head a bit as it observes you and then brought its head down. "(Y/N)!) Gon called out worried but you ignored him as the beast continued to study you even the security guard was worried about you but did nothing to stop. The beast grunted and walked away, and you, the security guard and Gon walked back to Leorio, Kurapika and (w/n). Your legs finally give out and you collapsed onto the ground making Kurapika and (w/n) run towards you worried. "He's scary isn't he?" The security guard asked you, you looked at him but couldn't speak so you just nodded.


You guys have stayed at a small building that is for the securities and has been training your body so that you guys may open the huge door to be acknowledged by Killua's family. One night you were awake and outside feeling the breeze on your skin and with (w/n) laying beside you to keep you company and warm. As you were looking at the night sky with the stars shining brightly, you didn't notice a certain presence walking up to you.

You jumped a little when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. You spun around and noticed that it was just your fiance, you placed your hand over your heart and breathed out a sigh of relief "Don't scare me like that Kura!" You exclaimed

Kurapika just chuckled and sat beside you, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you (n/n)" You smiled and then looked back up at the sky. "What are you thinking about (n/n)?" He asked

"I was thinking about after all this is done, what's next?" You replied

Kurapika looked at you and pulled you towards him and hugged you, "No matter what, I will avenge for the both of our clans and come back to you" You smiled and nodded.

"Alright but you need to be safe and please don't leave me" you asked him. He turned his head around and placed a soft kiss on your head and said "I won't, I'll come straight to you after I am done"

The two of you then spoke about random things but mainly your future life with one another.

"How many kids do you want Kura?" You asked

"Hmmm.... I want 10"

"10!!?!?!?!?!??!?!? Isn't that a bit too much!?!?!" You exclaimed and Kurapika laughed at you

"I'm just kidding, we can just start off with a small number like... 1 or 2" he said

You pouted at your fiance for teasing you and crossed your arms and Kurapika laughed as he picked you up and place you in between his legs and grabbed a blanket and covered the both of you.

"Where did you get this blanket?" You asked

"I brought it with me, you just didn't notice it" He replied

"So (y/n) how many kids do YOU want?" He asked

"Hmmm.... I want.... at least 2" (a/n: you may change the number if that is not how many kids you want) You replied. He nodded and then he said "(y/n) I love you very much, please don't leave ever leave me in this life nor the next life. I want to be with you every time I an reincarnated" and tightens his hold on you. You smiled at him and nodded, "I will never leave you Kura, because I love you as much as you love me. I also want to continue to be your lover every time we are reincarnated"

It was silence between the two of you and slowly you have drifted off to sleep and Kurapika continued to hold onto you as if his life depends on it.

Heyyyy, I'm back sorry for the long wait. I'm going to end this story in the next chapter because I have ran out of ideas for this story. I apologize for this. But will be starting a new story based on Death Note L x reader for those who likes him (cause I do!) And as for the Kuroko no Family will still be delayed and will continue, to those who are reading this story please be patient with me.

Thank you all

Reminder: The next chapter will be the end of this story

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