Phase 3

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The 3rd phase of the examination has started and you, Kurapika, Gon, Killua and Leorio were looking around at the top of tower finding ways of getting down. You sighed and looked at your surroundings, you then noticed something weird. "Hey everyone" You called out. Everyone looked at you and you said "There's a lot fewer people here". They looked around and noticed that you were right and Gon found a trap door.

"But the problem is that it can only be used once," Gon said.

"Well... let's go find the others!" Leorio said and soon each and every one of you guys has found a trap door and wished each other luck and safety and jumped on the tile and the trap door activated.


You landed on the ground swiftly and looked up and your eyes went wide. "Well, that was a very short farewell and quick hello again" You commented and everyone laughed. There stood a stand with 6 watches (A/N: I know in the anime there are 5... but this is a fanfiction so going to tweak some parts of the story but it's still the same).

You picked up the watch and saw two buttons an 'O' and an 'X'. You wore the watch along with everyone but there was one more extra watch left. "It seems like we need one more person before we start" Kurapika stated. No one said anything and everyone was sitting around waiting for the last person.
You looked around and saw Gon and Killua were getting to know one another. Gin riding on Killua's skateboard and Killua was trying out Gon's rod. You sighed due to the boredom until you heard and saw some pebbles falling. Then the trap door activated revealed Tonpa.

"You!?" Leorio exclaimed. You sighed, you really didn't like Tonpa ever since he has given his weird drinks to you guys. You stood up and said "Whether you like it or not Leorio, we need him to continue our exam" Leorio clicked his tongue and then all of you left the room.
The first part of the exam was you guys going against 6 prisoners. Tonpa went first but before his opponent could land a blow Tonpa immediately forfeits. You glared at him along with Leorio who was yelling at him. "I'll go next" you said and moved onto the middle platform.

Your P.O.V
I stood at the platform and a prisoner walked on facing me. She threw her cloak, revealing her face. A woman with red eyes and black messy long hair and some few scars on her face.
"Hello, I'm Aimi. I've become a prisoner for buying illegal goods and killing and enslaving beasts" She replied. I just glared at her and she smiled.
"Our battle shall be the fight to the death, fine with you?"
"You may use any weapons or items" she added and I just nodded. She pulled out her whip and strike at me. I jumped away and heard her tsked as she glares at me.
"I must chain you down." She commented, she then whistled and two beasts jumped out from the other side which was two wolves. A large one which seems to has reached to his old age and a young wolf cub. I widened at the sight of them and glared at her.
She commanded the wolves to attack me and I dodged. Without me noticing, the old wolf bit my leg and dragged me down to the floor and pinned me down. It snarled at me and I looked at his eyes.
He calmed down and slowly got off of me. 'Leader of the (l/n), I'm sorry... I didn't know' he said. I smiled and stroked his fur.
"It's alright, no one knows, I bet -" but before I can finish my sentence, the old wolf for whipped.
"You stupid thing! I didn't tell you to stop" Aimi said as she continued to whip.
I watched the sight in horror and my breathing quicken. I felt my eyes going cold and hair starting to shine.

Kurapika's P.O.V
I watched at the horrid sight of the older wolf getting whipped. Before the whip can make another contact, (y/n) grabbed the whip and pulled it causing Aimi to be pulled towards (y/n).
"How dare you!? These wolves are not tools for you to use, they are a living soul! And for what you have done to the elder wolf, your punishment is death." (Y/n) said and in a quick second she kicked Aimi in the gut causing her to fly up in the air. (Y/n) jumped up causing her hoodie to fall of revealing her shining (h/c) hair and my eyes widen at the sight. The fight continued and I saw her ice-blue eyes looking down at Aimi who is barely alive.
"You're... you're... from the (l/n) clan..." Aimi said.
"Yes, I am... I am the head of the (l/n) clan"
Aimi gave off a crazed smile and started to beg (y/n) to heal her and keep her young.
(Y/n) took out her dagger and cut some strip of her hair and threw it at her but the hair stopped shining. "Keep it if you like. After all your life is mine" (y/n) said and Aimi eyes went wide with fears and soon she was killed by my fiance. She didn't walk back even when the path was opened for her, she went to the smaller wolf and talked to him and the wolf followed her, she went to the bigger wolf and carried him with the help of the smaller one to our side.
People from the other side picked up the dead body and took it away. Leorio and Tonpa moved aside afraid of (y/n), Killua whistled at her, amazed at her skills, Gon smiled at her and didn't say anything but I know that he was glad that she isn't dead. Stayed away from us and took out her dagger and did their traditional thing. The old wolf closed his eyes and his breathing has stopped judging from the fact that (y/n) is cutting him up and doing things that I couldn't watch ever since I was small with her.

I continued to watch Gon's battle and he won. I smiled and I took the next battle. I finished it in one hit, since my eyes turned scarlet when I saw the sight of the faked Phantom Troupe tattoo on his back. I refused to kill him, so I knocked him unconscious and walked back to where everyone else is.

"Err... So... Is it safe to get close to you?" Leorio asked

I sighed and said "Yeah... Just give me some time, even though I know that tattoo is fake, it gets on my nerves and so my eyes turn scarlet. Even if I see an actual spider."

"Let's make sure that Kurapika never sees a real spider" Leorio whispered to Gon, which I heard but ignored them and sat next to (y/n) who is petting the young wolf's head. Leorio went next making bets about the man being unconscious or not and (y/n) leant on me and rested her head on my shoulder.

"OI! Kurapika! Finish him off" Leorio shouted to me.

"No ways" I replied, there was no meaning since he is not the real Phantom Troupe members and besides my (y/n) needs me right now. Killua offers to finish him off for me but I rejected the idea and left the rest of the time to them.


(Still in Kurapika's P.O.V)

"Well... we need to stay here for 50 hours" (Y/n) said. Leorio lost 50 hours for his bet against the prisoner and Killua killed his opponent and we all learned that he is from an assassin family.

"Yeah... Well let's check things out Gon!" Killua said enthusiasticaly, Gon agreed and the two boys ran off. Leorio sat down as well as Tonpa but I didn't really care much as I went to (Y/n) who was in the kitchen at the counter with the wolf lying down next to her.

I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. "(Y/n)..." I said in her ears. She stopped doing whatever she was doing which I noticed was that she was making dinner for us and it looks normal.

"Kura..." She replied

"You finally remembered me..." She said. I smiled and shook my head.

"No, I already knew but I wanted to know if this wasn't a dream." She leaned against my chest and looked up at me and give me a smile. The smile that I've always seen when we were young, the smile that I love ever since I met her. I leaned down and kissed her on the lips, after a minute or so we broke apart due to the lack of air.

"I missed you (Y/n)"

"I missed you too Kura" I smiled and she continued to make whatever she was making and I helped her with setting up the table.

(A/N: I made the room that has a kitchen, you can't expect everyone to die out of hunger right??? And we need you and Kurapika to live so that your love story may continue *wink* *wink*)

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