Phase 1 (rewritten)

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I forgot to mention, you can speak to the beasts :D and many other cool moves like healing buuuttttt that will come later (I'll tell you more about it further in the story)


As you and Kurapika continued to run together, Leorio suddenly caught up with the two of you shirtless just with his tie on.

"I have much more strength if I don't care about what others think of me!" He exclaimed as he ran past the two of you.

Kurapika smiled and said "maybe we should follow his example" he took off his traditional Kurta tunic and placed it in his bag leaving him in a white undershirt. "(y/n)?"

"I'll catch up, you can go on ahead Kurapika" You said to him, he looked hesitant a bit but nodded and quickened his pace and caught up to Leorio. You looked around you and saw that there isn't a lot of people around, so you quickly stopped in your tracks and took off your cloak revealing your (h/l) (h/c) hair and tied it around your waist and showed your clan's outfit. A light blue shoulder crop shirt that shows your stomach, with simple and beautiful white swirl patterns to decorate the shirt, you were also wearing white short shorts that cannot be seen due to your traditional cloak covering it. Good thing that you have decided to wear shorts underneath because in your clan there are barely any women that wear shorts but instead their wear skirts that shows off their thighs. You did pack your skirt but you didn't wear it because you were worried that there would be some guys that will grope you.

You then quickened your pace and caught up to Kurapika and Leorio. By the time you caught up to them, they already finished talking to one another. Soon Gon and a white-haired boy is known as Killua who is holding a skateboard caught up to you all.

"I'll see you guys up there" Gon said

"See you later old man" Killua said

"I'M NOT OLD! I'M A TEENAGER LIKE YOU GUYS!" Leorio exclaimed causing all of you to look at him with a surprised look. Soon Gon and Killua left the three of you and you three continued to run together.

"(y/n)" Leorio called out to you

"What is it Leorio?" You asked

"When did you change your outfit?"

You looked at him and looked back at the road in front of you "Before I caught up to you two"

"Hmm.... It looks good" he complimented to you and gave you a thumbs up and you rolled your eyes. As the three of you were running and the three of you were talking about random things getting to know one another but you didn't notice a pebble and fell forward. You closed your eyes for the impact but it didn't come but instead, you felt a pair of arms holding onto you. You opened your eyes and saw Kurapika was the one who was holding onto you, "You're not hurt are you (y/n)?" He asked.

You looked at him and blushed and shook your head not trusting our mouth to speak. He glanced at you and then at your feet and helped you up. As you were about to run again, he quickly picked up bridal style and you blushed madly.

"KURAPIKA! PUT ME DOWN! I CAN RUN BY MYSELF!" You exclaimed as you were blushing very hard.

"Not until we reach the goal, just hold onto me" he said and tightened his grip on you, you noticed that there was no room to complain and obliged to his request and wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his chest. "You have a beautiful (h/c) hair, (y/n)" Kurapika complimented

You blushed and buried your face into his chest and said "Thank... thank you"

"(y/n) are you? Are you from-"

"Ah! Look! We have reached the goal" You pointed stopping Kurapika's question, once you guys have reached the goal, Kurapika put you down and you immediately look around.


Soon a man with a monkey man showed up claiming that he was the real examiner and that Satotz is the fake examiner, but 3 pokers were thrown at him and killed him while the other 3 were thrown to Satotz who caught them with ease. The man that threw the pokers were Hisoka and claimed that Satotz was the real examiner.

"Yes, but the next time you throw the cards at me for no other reason then you are immediately disqualified" Satotz said. Hisoka nodded in understanding and before Satotz could continue his words there was a roaring sound behind him. He turned around and faced a huge grey wolf glaring at him. Satotz moved aside and was about to attack the beast but you immediately stood in between with your arms raised.

"Move aside number 406" He said

"No! I will not let you harm her!" You said, Satotz looked at you and then looked at the beast deciding what he should do since he can disqualify you immediately or threaten you but you held determinations in your eyes. The wolf roared and jumped over you with its canines ready to bite Satotz, you quickly pushed Satotz out of the way and the wolf bit onto your bare shoulder and blood started to leak out.

"(Y/N)!" your friends called out to you worriedly. You smiled and petted the wolf.

"There there, we won't hurt you" You said to the wolf, but the wolf bit harder. You winced in pain but you continued to pet her. "It's alright, I won't hurt you" The wolf then glared at you not letting you go.

You continued to reassure the wolf and the wolf's eyes widened and got herself off of you and more blood was coming out. The wolf whimpered and licked the area that it bit you. You giggled at the sensation and said "Stop, that's ticklish"

The wolf stopped and looked at you one more time and you smiled at her but noticed the sadness in her eyes. You closed your eyes and place your hand in front of you and the wolf closed its eyes and let you touch its nose and you heard her voice. 'Lady (y/n), leader of the (l/n) clan. Please... Please find my child!' You opened your eyes and looked at her, with her eyes begging you and you nodded and placed your forehead on hers "I will and I shall bring him/her back safe and sound" The wolf cuddled you a bit and stopped when you pulled away.

"Now, go home, you do not belong here" The wolf looked at you one last time and then walked away into the mist.


Kurapika's POV

I watched at how (y/n) was watching the wolf as it walked away and out of our sights. I wanted to cry because seeing her clothes and her hair made my assumption is 99% that (y/n) is still alive. Now I wonder whether her eyes will turn ice blue and her beautiful (h/c) will shine. Soon we continued our way through the wetlands and I got separated from (y/n) but I was with Gon and Leorio and we have encountered Hisoka. When we reached to the end of phase 1 thanks to Hisoka guiding us and caring an unconscious Leorio, Killua came and called out and said that he thought Gon was disqualified. I smiled at the two youngest teenagers becoming friends.

"KURAPIKA!" I spun around when I heard my name was being called and saw (y/n) running up to me

"Hey (y/n)" I greeted

"DON'T HEY ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!" She shouted, I nervously chuckled and reassured her and she huffed and crossed her arm and pouted which was cute. As a memory played into my mind.

"KURA!" A 5 years old (y/n) called out to a 5 years old me who just came back from the forest.

"Hey (y/n)"

"DON'T HEY ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER" she shouted with tears in her eyes. I gulped nervously and reassured her that everything is fine as her tears started to flow.

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