Arrived at the Exam Site & Beginning of Phase 1 (Rewritten)

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Oh! Yeah! Time for Kurapika's P.O.V *wink wink*


Kurapika's POV

We finally reached to Zagan City and the son Kiriko was guiding us to the actual exam site. Gon was looking around and Leorio was walking behind me and (y/n) is walking right next to me. After hearing her name, I was thinking that the (y/n) here is the one that I love... but I know that it's impossible after all... her clan is gone too... so there's no way she would still be alive but seeing the (y/n) here, is making me question myself about her death. If she's still alive, then where is she? I glance at (y/n) beside me and noticed how much she resembles the one that I have always been in love during my childhood. Her (e/c) eyes and the same beautiful face that is still fresh in my mind, I wonder if her hair is (h/c) and can shine, I wonder if her (e/c) eyes turn ice-blue. I couldn't stop thinking about these questions and hopes that this girl right beside me is MY (y/n).

"We're here" the son said and all of us looked up and saw an amazing hotel and became excited. But that feeling escalated real quickly when the kiriko told us that the exam site is actually in a small ramen shop next to it. We sweat dropped and he told us that no one would even expect the hunter exam to be located at this place.

We walked inside and the shopkeeper and the son kiriko were exchanging a code for us to get to the exam site. We then went into a private dining room and the kirko left after saying that he wants to be our navigator next year.

"Tch! He underestimate us! He literally believes that we will fail this year!" Leorio exclaimed as he sat down, (y/n) stayed quiet and sat down on the other chair as the room started to move down.

"So when is our food coming?" Gon asked

"Gon, what they were speaking about was a code for us to come to the exam" I told Gon and Gon has a disappointed look. Soon Leorio and I started to argue about the greatness of being a hunter. Since both of us couldn't come to an agreement we faced (y/n) and Gon for their opinions and at the same time, the room came to a stop. We stopped the argument and walked out of the room, there we saw many other applicants for the hunter exam standing and waiting for something to happen. Then a short bean man came over and hand us something and said "Here, please keep this number plate on your chest for the whole time and please don't lose it" I received number 404, Gon got 405, Leorio got 403 and (y/n) got 406.

We looked around more and then a fat man that was wearing blue clothing and was caring a bag walked towards us as he asked us a question "You guys are new here right?"

"This is my 35th time in this hunter exam" he declared. I then whispered to Leorio "I don't think this is something to brag about" and Leorio agreed with me. He then explained to us about the other applicants and soon held out four drinks to us. "Here, have some drinks to celebrate our acquaintance. The name's Tonpa"

"The name's Gon and these are Kurapika, Leorio and (y/n)" Gon replied and took the drink from him, so did I and Leorio but (y/n) declines but Tonpa kept pestering her.

"Eh... but... I'm not thirsty..." (Y/n) says

"Come on, let's celebrate our acquaintance" Tonpa insisted as he kept pushing the drink to her. I noticed her discomfort and stood in between Tonpa and (y/n), "She already says she's not thirsty anymore, so don't force her" I said as I glared at him. Tonpa gulped and nodded and put the drink back into his bag and I opened mine although I was hesitating about whether I should drink it or not. "Thank you Kurapika" (y/n) said and smiled at me, I blushed and nodded and quickly turned around. Just as I was going to take a sip, Gon already spits everything out saying that the drink was expired, Leorio quickly spits out the juice while I simply poured the drink onto the floor.

Soon a bell rang and out came a man in a purple suit, with purple hair and no mouth but have two swirl mustache came out and said "Welcome everyone, the hunter exam will now commence, if anyone wants to leave you may do so now" no one left and the man continued "very well, then would everyone please follow me" and he started to walk, we too started to walk after him and he has introduced himself as Satotz and we are currently doing phase 1.

"Please follow me to phase 2" he said as he continued to walk and we started to run in order to catch up to him. I was running in the front with (y/n) beside me and Leorio and Gon behind us.

As we were running, (y/n) looked at me and said "You're amazing Kurapika"

I gave her a questioning look and she smiled at me which made my heart skip a beat. "It's amazing that you can run while running with a big bag" she stated and turned back her attention onto the road. I smiled at her and then said "What about you (y/n)? You have been wearing a cloak this whole time" She then stayed silent and then looked at me with a grin "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me" she replied and the two of us returned our gaze back onto the road.

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