The hours spent

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"GUYS! TIME TO EAT!" You called out. Tonpa, Leorio, Killua and Gon all came into the kitchen, where there is a long rectangle table with 6 chairs and 6 plates and utensils.

"Man, am I starve!" Killua exclaimed as he sat down, Gon sat next to him, Leorio sat at one end and Tonpa sat at the other end of the chair. Kurapika place some good looking foods, chicken soup with mushrooms, beef, white fluffy rice and some bread. Kurapika sat down opposite of Killua and you came with another dish which is a well-baked cookies.

"Alright, dig in everyone" You said happily and soon in 1 minute the foods were gone. Luckily you and Kurapika got some food to eat before they were all gone but you weren't able to take a lot like Kurapika.

"Here (Y/n), say ah" Kurapika said as he holds a fork with a piece of beef.

You blushed and said "Ahhh" Kurapika smiled and fed the beef to you. He smiled and everyone at the table was looking at the two of you with wide eyes and their mouth open.


Your P.O.V

"What?" Kura asked everyone

"What? What is the relation between the two of you!?" Leorio asked. 

Kura sighed and said "Isn't it obvious? (Y/n) is the fiance that I've mentioned when we first met"

"Is that true (y/n)?" Gon asked. I felt my face goes red but was able to nod.

"Yeah... I am from the (l/n) clan and the fiancee of Kurapika" You said.

"But there are no proof that you two are fiancees" Killua stated

"That's right so that means, she can be MY wife" Tonpa exclaimed, Kura immediately glared at Tonpa who gulped and scared at Kura's glare and I giggled at Kura's action which was cute of him.

"I was going to give her a ring after I return to my clan and hers and before the death of the two clans..." Kura said. I looked at him and placed my hand on his trembling hands. No more questions were asked and everyone was tired all resting up all except for me and Kura.


"Kura?" I called out quietly,

"Hmm?" He replied

"I... I'm sorry..."

"Why are you apologizing for (N/n) (Nickname)?"

"I should have looked for you and believe that you were alive"

"Oh... (y/n), I should be the one apologising to you about that. I didn't believe that you were alive and thrown myself in despair and vowed to gain revenge. I shouldn't have left you, I should have taken you with me. I-" I placed my lips on his and pulled away.

"It doesn't matter now... Now that we are once again with each other." I said, Kura gave me a small smile and hugged me.


Kurapika's P.O.V

I watched (y/n) sleeping next to me. She looked peaceful and becoming more and more beautiful by each passing second. (Y/n) and I decided to get some sleep near the book shelf because she knows that I like to read. The two of us shared the same small chair as a pillow but currently I am just holding myself up by leaning against my hand and watched my angel sleep with the wolf next to her, so basically she was sleeping in the middle. I removed a strand of her beautiful (h/c) hair behind her ear and smiled as she just shifted a little.

I looked around and noticed Killua awake.

"Can't sleep?" I asked, Killua looked at me.

"It's not a problem for me, I can still move around without a sleep for two to three nights"


"It's just that there are no windows here so we cannot tell if it is morning or night. But I'm guessing that it is morning" I looked around and noticed that Killua was correct. Then saw Killua with a grin and threw his pillow at Gon who countered it and soon the two boys started to have a little pillow fight. I smiled at the sight and then felt a finger poking my cheek.

I looked down and saw (y/n) awake with a grin.

"Good morning to you too (n/n)" I greeted her.

"Good morning Kura" She replied. She got up and stretched and went to the kitchen. I smiled and noticed that the wolf was still sleeping. I put my hands on its body and stroked him and smiled as it relaxed.

"Want some tea anyone?" (Y/n) asked from the kitchen. Killua, Gon and I answered with a yes while the other two continued their sleep.

It was a boring time as we waited for the time to end. Everyone was doing their own things, entertaining ourselves.
--------- time skip ---------

We finally reached the end but we must make a choice of who the two people that stays, luckily the wolf doesn't count.

"Sorry, everyone but I must become a hunter" Leorio said as he grabs a weapon from the wall.
I blocked the pebbles that was going towards (y/n).
"I'm getting out of here with (Y/n) and the wolf!" I shouted and also retaliated back to Tonpa and Leorio.

"Wait Kura!" (Y/n) called out to me but I ignored her.

"There's a way we can all get out" Gon said and we all stoped and looked at him.

Stay With Me (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now