Phase 2 (part 1) (rewritten)

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Sorry for not updating soon but I will try to update it as soon as possible and thank you for enjoying the story *tears of joy*


Kurapika's POV

We were introduced to the second phase of the exam by two gourmet hunters and are the examiners of this second phase exam. The fat man is known as Buhara and the tanned skin girl is known as Menchi. Buhara's stomach grumbled and claims that he wants to eat pork. So here we are, in the forest looking for pigs.

As we were looking around, Gon noticed something and slid down the hill, Killua followed suit and then us. Killua bumped into Gon, Leorio bumped into Killua, I bumped into Leorio and finally (y/n) bumped into me causing me to have some small shade of pink on my cheeks but quickly recomposed myself as I glanced at the area that Gon pointed towards.


(y/n)'s POV

When we finally got back to the examine site, a lot of people started roasting the pig but most of them failed. "So the appearance matters too" Kurapika said, I covered my mouth when he said that since I was about to laugh but recompose myself as Leorio, Gon and Kurapika began making their dish. I went into a thinking mode, believing that not only that the appearance matters... I went to the pig that I caught and placed my hand on it and started to move my hand, examining the pig. Roast pork... slices... onions... sauce... ...? Sauce? SAUCE! That's it! I thought as I quickly went to get all the ingredients that I will need.

Kurapika's POV

I failed and even got a bad grade that is even worse than Leorio's. "HEY! LOOK AT THAT PARTICIPANT!" I heard someone shout. I looked up and glanced up and saw (y/n) was running around and was doing everything like a professional.

I then saw her went to work on the sauce and what she did took us all by a surprise. She took out the heart that she cut out from the pig and poured out all of the blood inside onto the pan. "EWWW! What is she thinking!?" One person called out even Leorio looked disgusted, Gon and Killua looked amazed and didn't say anything and as for me, I was too surprised because I know that... that method belongs to HER clan.

"Hooooo~ Finally someone who can give us something different" Menchi commented

"Yes, and judging from the use of blood, she must have caught a very good one" Buhara commented

I couldn't take my eyes off her even when she was presenting her dish with two plates.

"Please examine my dish" (y/n) said as she took off the lid and presented her dish. Sliced up pork lying on the bed of lettuce that she has placed, sliced onions lying next to lettuce and sliced pork and a bowl of sauce at the other side of the dish. The scent flew all over the area making some participants and us to drool but I kept my posture while Leorio was looking at the dish longingly.

Of course, Buhara immediately acknowledges (y/n) passing this phase, but the hard one to please was Menchi.

"Just because the smell and appearance are good, even the lustre of the dish is shining brightly. It doesn't mean that it tastes good" Menchi stated.

"I understand, I am confident in my dish, for I have used all of the skills that I learnt from my mother and my clan members. The lust is already a part of the pork. Now, I shall let the dish do the talking for me" (y/n) said

Menchi looked at (y/n) and sighed "Fine" she took a fork and grabbed a piece and took a bite. Her eyes widened and the leftover meat on her fork she dipped it into the sauce and took a bite again. The air was tense when Menchi placed her fork down and looked at (y/n) as if they were both reading each other's mind.

"Participant Number 406 pass!" She announced, (y/n) let out a breath of relief and bowed at the two examiners. She went to her station and ran towards us with a plate of the same dish that she has presented.

"Congratulations (y/n)!" Gon congratulated her, she blushed and thanked him. She then held out her plate and said "Here, I made enough for you all, please have a bite" we all smiled and took a bite.

"THIS IS SO GOOD!" Leorio exclaimed, everyone else nodded in agreement and (y/n) smiled.

"Be my wife (y/n)!" Leorio exclaimed as he held on both of her hands. She sweat dropped and giggled "Sorry Leorio, I already have a fiancé" Leorio looked down and I sighed in relief. Soon many participants started to complain about the unfairness and most of the guys were more like being sexists and were accusing (y/n) with, I stood in front of her to defend her with a glare but that didn't stop. Then an old man appeared asking what the commotion was about and Menchi explained everything that has caused this commotion.

"Ho~ I see, then re-do the second phase for everyone, it is also up to the participant that has passed this phase whether she want to do it for fun or seriously redoing it along with her friends" The head of the hunter exam explained.

"Of course sir, then could you please carry all of us to a place on your ship?" Menchi asked kindly.

And the next thing I know was that everyone was on the ship to head for the next destination that we will be redoing our second phase of the exam.

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