Phase 5

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You guys were in the dojo room finishing off the last phase of the hunter exam. (W/n) was sitting beside you as you watched Gon's fight, you winced as you heard his bones dislocated and tears of anger stinging your eyes.
You had enough and was about to charge in to stop the battle but Kurapika and (w/n) stopped you. One grabbing your hand, the other biting onto your cloak.
"Release me Kurapika! (W/n)!" You screamed at them.
"I understand how you feel (y/n)!" Kurapika screamed back at you. "But if you go out there, Gon will be disqualified! (Correct me if I am wrong please). You gritted your teeth as the fight continues, Kurapika pulled you back with (w/n) standing in front of you so that you will not run out once again.
'Why!? WHY!? SOME BODY PLEASE END THIS FIGHT RIGHT NOWWWWWW!!!!' You thought and prayed. As if the gods has heard your prayer, the battle ended with Hanzo forfeiting the battle. You sighed in relief but was surprised that Hanzo has punched Gon across his face.

You ran up to Gon, and cut some strips of your hair and wrapped it on his wounds that are small and chanted an enhancement causing the strips of your hair shines. Everyone was frozen in place, astonished to see your hair shines and dies down slowly. You unwrapped the hairs and a look of satisfaction appeared on your face as you see that there are no longer wounds on him other than his dislocated arm. Two people with a stretcher went to the two of you and placed Gon on the stretcher. You ruffled his hair and went back to everyone else who are still frozen in place other than Kurapika. He opened his arms and you hugged him.
"Idiot... you used up some of your power" he whispered to you as you snuggle further into his warm and comforting chest. He sighed but smiled as he plays with your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

<<time skip after the 5th phase and introduction of the hunter card cause author is lazy to type about the battle>>

Before going on your seperate paths, you have all decided to go get Killua back from his family, so therefore you guys are heading to his house right now on the tourist bus. "So (y/n) you're not going to go after the phantom troupe?" Gon asked you. You shook your head as you pat (w/n)'s head.
"No... its time for me to go back to my homeland and protect the land and the beasts" you explained. Kurapika's eyes has sadness written in them and grabbed hold of your hand that was still on your lap. "(N/n)..." he says softly, you looked at him in the eyes and leaned forward to place a kiss on his lips.
"I'll be fine Kura, besides, there's a clan that is going to assist me, after all we've been partners for a while" you reassured him, Kurapika sighed knowing that it is futile to change your mind and nodded. He placed a kiss on your forehead and said "I'll come back to you, I promise" you smiled and nodded. "I will wait for you Kura, and please be safe" Kurapika smiled and nodded and then you guys have finally reached your destination.

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