The End

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10 years later...

"ZENIA! ZENITH! WAIT!" You yelled at two 4 years old kids with blond hair, one with (e/c) eyes and one with grey eyes as you chased them down on the dirt road. "MOM HURRY!" one of the blond with (e/c) yelled out. "YEAH! COME ON!" The other one with grey eyes agreed. You huffed but smiled at them lovingly. As you can see dear reader, you have given birth to twins. The one with (e/c) is your son named Zenith and the one with grey eyes is your daughter named Zenia (a/n: feel free to change the twins name and gender if you want). You and Kurapika got married at the age of 21 and had these two little angels at the age of 23. Kurapika has been going out doing his work as a bodyguard and as a hunter to provide his family so he is rarely at home, but when he is at home he would make all the time he has missed out with Zenia and Zenith by playing with them all the time. (w/n) also lives with you guys but there are days that it will not be at home as it goes back into the forest to do some scouting and making sure that the monsters here are living peacefully and that there are no bounty hunters.

Today is the day when your husband returns from his work with Gon, Killua and Leorio. And the twins couldn't wait for him to arrive home so they decided to go to the harbour to greet him there. You and Kurapika decided to have your life at the land where you both grew up that has now flourished into a small village for those who like nature and animals. The three of you finally reached the harbour and just in time as there are many passengers are getting off the ship.  The twins were desperately looking around the area looking for a certain blond haired male, you were also looking around for your husband but not as desperate as your children.


At the same time...

Four males got off the ship and stretched. "It's good to be home again" Kurapika says as he looked around as he saw many families reunited and lovers reunited.

"Thanks for having us over Kurapika" Gon thanked him, Kurapika smiled and said "No problem, it's the least I can do for all of your help on this quest"

"Think you can recommend some house for me? I have decided to live here from now on!" Leorio exclaimed, Kurapika chuckled and nodded. Killua, Gon and Kurapika are well-known hunters in the world while Leorio is a well-known doctor that can cure almost all illness. You are a well-known huntress that protects nature and also a herbalist. Since there isn't a proper clinic in the village because it is still small, but you enjoy doing this job because your children and (w/n) will still help you when you need it. 

"Hey Kurapika, look who's here," Killua said with a smirk which made Kurapika look at the direction of where Killua is looking and his eyes widened at the site of his family looking around for him. He smiled and walked towards his family, while the other three male walked behind him but at a slower pace.

Zenia and Zenith kept looking around and they started to frown since they do not see their father and thought that he isn't back until the next ship which will arrive for another 10 days. And they walked towards you with their heads down with Zenia shedding a few tears and Zenith holding them in. You kneeled down and patted their heads to comfort them, you then look up and noticed your husband walking towards you three and he placed his finger on his lips to tell you to be quiet and you smiled in understanding.

"Don't be sad Zenia, Zenith. Let's still go look for him" You said to the twins.

"There's no need mom... We looked everywhere but there's no sign of dad" Zenith replied while Zenia's cries turned into small hiccups. You sighed and looked at your husband who is right behind the twins, and suddenly picked them both up in each of his arms. "AH!" The twins screamed, surprised to be picked up by someone and they turned their heads around to see who it is. Their eyes lightened up at the sight of their father holding them with a grin, "DAD/DADDY!" The twins exclaimed happily while Kurapika laughed happily and placed them both down and gave them each a kiss on their cheeks. "Hello my little princess and little prince" He greeted them and when he stood up straight and kissed you on the lips.

"And hello to you too my love" He greeted you and giggled

"Welcome home honey" You welcomed him back while the twins hugged him and Kurapika smiled. "Ahem," Someone cleared his throat and all of you turned around and saw Killua and Gon giggling and Leorio was rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry to break this lovely family reunion, but... are we just going to stand here all day?" Leorio asked. You and Kurapika laughed while the twins ran up to Killua and Gon, since Killua and Gon would play with them a lot and give them sweets and tell them some interesting stories of the adventures although there are some that they never told them since they are still too young which made Killua and Gon their favourite uncles.


"Welcome back everyone, let's go home shall we?" You suggested and everyone nodded in agreement. Once you guys got back home, Killua, Gon and Leorio fell onto the couch whereas Kurapika sat on the armchair in the living room and you went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. While the twins ran up to (w/n) who was just laying down near the fireplace and played with him. 

"Thanks for having us over (y/n)" Gon thanked you during dinner and you smiled. 

"It's not a problem at all, I'm also happy to see you all, it's been a while and besides those two troublemakers also like your company." You replied

"We're not troublemakers!" Zenith and Zenia exclaimed together and everyone laughed which made them pout.

"So how was your adventure?" You asked

And Killua then grinned mischievously and placed his spoon down. "Weeeeeelllll.... it was..." he started which made the twins to be on edge as they gripped on their spoons tightly and leaning their heads forward to Killua awaiting for the next few words. He bangs on the table so loudly and exclaimed "DANGEROUS!" The twins jumped at the sudden loud bang on the table and everyone laughed. "AND THEN!? AND THEN!?" the twins asked excitedly with a small hint of fear in their tone.

"Alright, Zenia, Zenith first finish your food before Killua continues his story," Kurapika said to his children firmly. "Ehhhh....." The twins said with disappointment in their tone but they ate their dinner quickly and placed their empty bowls in the sink and ran to the living room. "UNCLE KILLUA! HURRY!" They yelled and you sighed at them which Kurapika chuckled and Killua also finished his dinner and joined the twins and Gon joined them a few minutes after Killua was done with his dinner and help tell the story to the twins.

"Those two would make a great father" You commented as you washed the dishes as Kurapika and Leorio were sitting at the dining table drinking tea and were watching Killua, Gon and the twins together.

"That's very true (y/n)" Leorio stated and soon joined them when he heard his name and hit Killua on the head which made the twins laugh. Kurapika got up and went behind you and hugged you.

"Stay with me forever (y/n)" Kurapika says and you giggled and nodded.

"Of course I will Kurapika"

"I love you," He said and placed a loving kiss on your cheeks and you blushed a little and said "I love you too"

You and Kurapika are very happy, Kurapika has finally avenged for both of your clans and now have his own family and you were happy because you have Zenia and Zenith, (w/n), Kurapika and all of your friends standing there when you need them. But mainly because Zenia, Zenith and Kurapika are happy which is making you happy.

You were glad that you went to the hunter's exam 10 years ago because that hunter exam brought you and Kurapika back together.

'I will never leave you Kurapika' You thought as you hugged him back

'I'll protect you and our family (y/n), so please just stay by my side forever' Kurapika thought back as he hugged you tightly. The comfortable and romantic atmosphere between the two of you broke apart when Zenia and Zenith jumped onto Kurapika's back which made the Kurta family laugh and smiles happily with their three friends laughing along with them.

The End

This marks the end of this story, hope that you guys have enjoyed this story and I will be writing a new story soon. Thank you

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