One step closer to the Hunter Exam (rewritten)

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I realized this is soooooo fun!!! SOOOOOOO I will try and update it as soon as possible :D

Please remember I don't own Hunter x Hunter nor you


You, Kurapika, Gon and Leorio were looking at the map of the city. "The bus for Zagan city is about to leave!" Leorio exclaimed but you and Gon have already left Kurapika and Leorio alone and headed straight to the hill that the captain has told him about. Soon Kurapika followed the two of you while Leorio headed to the bus station, however, within a minute Leorio immediately went after you three.

The four of you have reached an abandoned area and soon a cart of people and an old lady showed up asking if you guys are ready to take a quiz. An unknown man then showed up with a smile and said that he was ready to take the quiz and so the lady asked him a question of who will he save from the villain: 1) his mother or 2) his lover.

(y/n)'s POV

"I choose 1, because you can't replace your mother but you can always find a new lover" the man replied. His reply angered me and I really was on the verge of wanting to hurt him but I mustn't get disqualified right here and now. They let the man passed and it was then that I noticed that they didn't say his correct so the answer is silence. The old lady then gave us a similar question but instead the choices were daughter and son. I stayed silent as the memory of the day of my family and friends were being murdered right in front of my eyes while I was forced to stay hidden in the bush with my wolf friends. The agony, the pain, the blood that was painting the ground with its crimson red. "(y/n)?" someone called out to me and I snapped back to reality and saw it was Kurapika who called out to me.

"The exam is over, come on" Kurapika said as he put his hand out for me to hold onto. I smiled and then looked at Gon and Leorio who was at the gate waiting for us.

"Yeah... and no thanks to you Leorio! Gon! For leaving me!" I yelled out with my hands in Kurapika's and the two of us started to approach them.

While walking in a forest, I called out to everyone "Hey guys"

"What is it (y/n)?" Gon asked

"Have you thought of an answer to the question that the old lady asked?"

It was silence for a while until Leorio spoke up "Umm... No, not yet... why? Did you?"

It was my turn to be silent and I looked down at the ground and then looked back at him "Yeah, I would save both"

"HOW!?" Leorio exclaimed, "The old lady surely said that we can only save ONE!"

"Yeah but if you sacrifice yourself in exchange for the lives of your son and daughter, you can save them both" I replied

"......" it was silence after your reply until Kurapika spoke up "That's true, she has a point there after all this is about your own children's lives... while it doesn't have to be your children but if it means to save the ones that are important to you then... you will definitely sacrifice yourself to save them" Kurapika sided with me and I looked at him and let a soft small smile dance onto my face.


It was already dark and Leorio was complaining about being hungry. I sighed at his antics and noticed a wooden cottage house that wasn't too far away. "Maybe we should head over there to ask for a place to stay tonight" I suggested as I pointed towards the cottage. They had no objections and we reached the house, but before I could open the door... I smell blood.

I barge inside the cottage and saw the magical beast Kiriko holding a young lady and a man lying down on the ground injured.

"IT'S A MAGICAL BEAST!" Leorio stated. Thanks for stating the obvious Leorio, I mentally facepalmed.

"Magical beast?" Gon asked, I literally almost lost my balance at how little things he knows about them.

"They are beasts that can transform into humans" Kurapika explained. I glared at the beast and demanded it to put the girl down. It ignored me and ran out of the house, Kurapika and Gon ran after it while Leorio and I went to the man to help him. Leorio opened his briefcase that he will use to heal the man. I went to his side and pulled out some herbs but as I was pulling it out, I glanced at the man and immediately pulled out my dagger and put it near his throat.

"Oi! (Y/N)!" Leorio shouted out to me but I ignored him.

"You're not a human right?" I asked

"Wh... what... what are you talking about ma'am? Of course, I am" The man replied

I made a 'tsk' sound and placed the dagger closer to his throat and I said "Don't lie! Your smell... it's unique but... it surely is the smell of a Kiriko" It was silence after my words and Leorio was gulping so hard that he doesn't know what to do. The man sighed and nodded "You got me, that's right I am-"

"The son of the adult Kiriko that captured your sister right?" I cut him off and started to dig further in my pouch, I didn't hear him say anything but I believe that he just nodded. After finding the wrapped item out and threw it to Leorio. "Use that, it will help you a lot" Leorio caught it and nodded "Thanks (y/n)"

I got up and decided to go out to restock some herbs that I saw on the way here.

"(y/n)-dono, how did you know?" the kiriko asked, I stopped in my tracks and glanced back at him and smiled. "That's for me to know and for you to find out" and walked away.


Normal POV

By the time you returned to the wooden house, you saw that Kurapika and Gon has returned with the daughter and the adults Kirikos. The Kiriko told you who they were and what their roles are in this year's hunter exam.

"Kurapika-dono demonstrated that he is knowledgeable by looking at my tattoo; therefore he passes" the daughter said

"As for (y/n)-dono has demonstrated that she is knowledgeable with herbs and can tell from my scent that I'm a Kiriko and not a human; therefore she passes. As for Leorio-dono... sadly he didn't know my identity until (y/n)-dono noticed it but he has demonstrated a wide range of treating a wound and was fast and calm. And was able to use the herb that (y/n)-dono has given him and used it efficiently; thefore he passes as well" The son said. Leorio sighed in relief while you giggled at his antics and Kurapika and Gon smiled at him.

"Last but not least, Gon-dono due to your physical abilities and observation, you passed the exam as well" The adults said. The four of you cheered, glad that all four of you passed and the Kiriko family took you four to the next exam site.

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