× Chapter Three ×

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At the RED Base

You nervously walked around the RED base, clutching Chase's envelope for dear life.

Of course you were nervous as hell! I mean, c'mon, you were alone in the base and previously, the RED Soldier almost tried to blow you up to smithereens if it wasn't for your fath- I mean, Spy coming in to save you at the last second.

Speaking of which...

Hours Before:

Adrik and Laurent, point one goes to team parent's, were yelling and arguing with Soldier about how you should man up and face your fear while the 'mom' and 'dad' smack talk to Jane Doe about how you almost could've died in a painful way and respawn withering around on the medic bay's floor like a worm. And that going to the RED base was OFF the list due to the said incident from earlier. 

Butting in, Scout sheepishly spoke up, "I-its my fault! I told her to deliver the envelope for me, right Sniper?", Chase nervously glanced over to Sniper, who was cleaning his sniper again.

A grunt came from him, in which meant, "yea..", and continued cleaning.

But none of them would have it and barked,

"Halt Die Klappe, Scout und Herr Sniper!"

Sniper, suddenly stopped cleaning his sniper, looked up in silence, agaped from the sudden outburst of Medic

"Oui, Tais-toi, Scout and Sniper!"

Now the said men's felt insulted. They were only justifying themselves, especially Sniper, who really had no part but just being a sideline ear, about the situation at hand.

"That's right Maggots! Shut up now or god knows will I use these mighty eagles on you two!", Soldier shouts as he throws up his fists upwards.

They were both fed up with those three and so were you.

Sighing irritability, you shouted over them,


You looked around as you saw everyone did what you shouted out.

Utter silence.
You smiled to yourself.

However, the only reason why you suddenly snapped out of nowhere was because, you were exhausted as hell, exhaustion quite drained both your energy and patient levels, and just wanted to deliver the damn envelope to get this day over with.

"I'll just go by myself and and I'll be back", You huffed and got up to leave.

'I'll just prove them that I'm capable of taking care of myself!',

As you got up, Spy was about to go too before you switched foot, turning on it, and glared back at him with the most deadliest look you can muster right now.

If meanings were true, Spy would've been a dead man, for he flinched and sat back down.

You turned around again and headed off to the RED base.

Oh if you only didn't scare off poor Laurent, you would've been somewhat more protected then the measly dagger that's in your left boot currently.

Back to current time

You sighed as you notice the sun was dipping behind the hills rather quickly, so that meant you had to book it soon.

But...the only problem you had was, Where was Jeremy in this place?! 

You nervously bit your lip until you bumped into someone rather...harshly.

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