× Chapter Two ×

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The RED third P.O.V

With everyone hungover with poison killing their system temporarily, they figure to kill that bloody bastard Demoman eventually.

However, the only one's who weren't intoxicated with that crap were Spy, Sniper, and somehow, Pryo.

Maybe the firebug was too innocent to even think about drinking.

Anyway, the three gathered around the kitchen table as they quietly ate their breakfast. Well...

Sniper was drinking coffee and the Frenchy was eating a fancy breakfast...like usual. Pyro in their own little world, not fazed by that they can't take off their mask and eat.

Richard rolled his olive green eye's underneath his hat at Loris' usual breakfast- no sunglasses was seen on his rugged face - and continued to sip his coffee, leaning back on his chair.

It was quiet for a few more moments, but it was then disrupted by a loud Boom! echoing through the vastly large kitchen.

Came in were, Klaus, the poor doctor looking like hell, and a dead looking scout.

'Eergh', a sound of disgust came choking out from Spy's throat as he almost wanted to gag his breakfast out from the unholy sights of both Medic and Scout.

The RED sniper just simply moved his hat up and arched an eyebrow.
But then continued on sipping his coffee.

He seen much more worse than those zombie looking of his member's.

Pyro just muffed, "Mhph mmf mmf huddah mhmph? (What happen to you guy's?)", clearly confuse as to what happen last night. Being pyromanic, they have to leave from the usual work time-to-time.

Grunting, Klaus hissed as he tighten his grip on the door, trying to make his way to a nearby chair, "That dummkopft that ve call our friend, Demo, iz going to kill us with that crap he drinks! That arschloch!"

Medic shuttered in anger as he finally found himself to the heavenly chair his bottom awaits.

Curse whatever was inside that toxic thing called beer. Makes the user's world spin violently. And afterwords, floor's collapsing on each other, over and over.

"Yea, I can't agree more than enough with you Doc...", groaned Scout as he headed towards another chair, flopped in it, and held his head.

"Gah! Just take my bat and bash it against my throbbing headache"

"...please just shut up could you herr Scout? My brain is telling my fist to pound you into the floor despite feeling like Scheiße...", said Medic, who bashed his own face onto the table to ease the throbbing pain of his headache.

It made it worse by like, 20 times, but Klaus didn't pay any attention to the throbbing pain.

Richard sighs and got up to wash his mug out, also gathering some medication to the two poor unfortunate souls.

Back at the BLU Base

Yawning, Scout comes in the kitchen and sat down next to you .

"Good morning Toots", Scout murmurs as he stretch his arms behind his morning bed hair of a head.

"..morning", you tirelessly smiled at him as you poked your scrambled eggs.

Then, came in BLU Sniper, who shuffled in, ruffling his hair.

Noticing you two, David quietly said, "G'morning mongrel's", and shuffle towards the coffee machine.

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