🌹 Epilogue 🌹

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"I reckon you're gonna get real used to lookin' up at me"


Standing on the train platform with the former RED Sniper next to you, You smiled sadly as you squeezed his hand firmly. 

Currently now, every mercenaries were being fired for no reason and had to leave their former base.

It was a sad day indeed because that meant everyone separated and most of the members were going back to their homeland.

This will eventuantally cause problems with one another to stay in contact because of the distances where each member lived at.
But there was some goodness that came out of this sudden news- some of the other's would actually  accompany their own partners and stay with them.

You sighed and looked grimly at everyone.

Everyone too were stricken with grief, and even despite fighting each other for a while, they still took this opptournity to catch up with one another.

Meanwhile everyone was chattering, you felt your hair being ruffled soothingly.

"Its alright, love, yer good old Sniper here still", Richard said softly.

That is true, which you smiled, but you were still stricken with the fact you had to leave everyone else.

You heart sank even further.

Walking over, BLU Medic stood in front of you two and gave a tiny smile.

"Herr Richard, may I speak to (y/n) alone for a bit?"

Sniper nodded and nudged you gently to Adrik.

"Hello, Adrik", you said, but grimaced at saying his name again.

You rarely replied with BLU Medic's real name and it felt so foreign to your tongue.

"Hello, frau (y/n)," Former BLU Medic says, frowning a bit, "Itz been my privileged to be jour guardian und friend for zo long", he places a thumb to your cheek.

"From thiz day on, I am not jour mother anymore, but as a good friend", Medic's began to tremble as he forced himself not to cry.

You noticed this and also tried not to cry either, but it was very trivial when you were surrounded by everyone you love and grew with, so you forced yourself to look up at him.

Medic forcily pushed out a shaky sigh and continued,

"For 33 year's (your current age is 33 yr's old btw), I've vatched over you und cared for jou. I never been so happy as I onlook you growing up, Engel. I vas so overjoyed vhen I vas assigned to be jour "mother" that day herr David brought jou to the four of us..", pale blue tears begans to brew around Adrik's eyes.

"Never forget that I und the others are so proud of jou, (y/n)", Medic chokes out and eventually, the tears began to fall.

You threw yourself to Medic and the two of you sandwich yourselves into a tight hug.

Everyone stopped talking and looked over at you and BLU Medic.

They all smiled sadly, except for the Pyro's, who were crying quietly behind their mask.

In between sobs, Medic whispers as he held you comfortably, "I love you, (y/n)..Jou never made me more happy than ever before in my life. Dänke, Frau."

"I love you too, Adrik", you choked out.

Then you two pulled apart from the hug, but tears still fell like waterfalls.

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