× Chapter Twelve ×

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《 I feel like we're nearing towards the end very soon 💀 I think this and an epilogue would be it 》


After the fiasco at the Coldfront happened, you decided to stay put in the desert for a bit before trekking off to anywhere cold...again.

You sighed as you were gently toying the necklace around your neck.

You don't know why, but sometimes you felt your thumb would always wonder to the promised ring that Richard gave you for your birthday.

And that's maybe why your thumb keeps going to the ring.

It was a set reminder of him who stole your heart and captivated you in any means.

You giggled to yourself before a skinny body flopped on the couch you were lazily on.

"Hiyah, toots, mind if ya move yer stinky feet out of my nose a bit too?", Scout jokes as he grabs a sports magazine from the coffee table.

Playing along, you poked the tip of his nose with your shoes, in which he smacks your feet out of the way.

"Gross!", he laughs before shaking his head.

You stuck a tongue out at him.

"Whatever", Scout said as he rolled his eyes.

He then propped open the magazine and proceeded to read.


It was well silent before a deathly sound of a bone being snapped in half.

And a blur of a flying French bread being thrown directly at Scout's skull.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHO DA THE FUCK THREW THAT?!", Scout shouts in anger as he tried to recover from his neck almost being decapitated by a French bread and thrown off the couch.

You could only freeze very still at the sudden outburst.

Scout shot up from the floor before pain shot through him and crippled him down to the couch.

He groans in agony as he rubbed the back of his head painfully.

You reluctantly sat up and helped Scout sit up again.

Chase growled and cursed underneath his breath.

You patted his back and the two of you looked around to see the source.

After finally finding the source of the person who dared to brutally throw the bread at Scout, it was none other than Spy standing in the doorway, with nothing but pants on.

Laurent looked pissed and there's a river of red flushed against his pale cheeks.

Where was his balaclava??

Judging by his messy, wet appearance and panting, detectives could say that Laurent literally just came out of the shower and tried to find his balaclava.

It wasn't until the fourteenth look that made Laurent's gears click and ran off to find Scout.

*Spy quickly went to his stash of French breads to chuck at Scout beforehand.

With each contrast that came with Laurent breathing hard, his semi-build frame trembled in both anger and coldness.

"You know WELL that I don't show my face around zhe base very often, Chase! NOW tell me where it iz before I kill jou!", Laurent roared out, his voice laced with wrath.

"I don't know what the hell ya spilling Spy. I stole nothing! Ask toots here!", Scout said defensively.

Spy looks over at you, with some anger disappearing from his eyes, but still nonetheless hinted some anger in them.

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