× Chapter Seven ×

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-A Couple Of Weeks Later-

Sitting outside on the roof of the RED base, I gingerly looked at the RED Sniper and I felt my face burn a bit.

Ever since he confessed to me, I had butterflies in my stomach.

Its not because I resented him, but in fact, I actually love him with all my heart. It was the fear of an unknown feeling harboring itself deep in my heart.

"Oi, love, aloright there?"

You guess you were staring at him for too long, because before you knew it, you found yourself snapping back to reality when Richard looks down at you, confused.

"H-Huh...? Oh, y-yea", you sheepishly smiled back at Sniper then you turned back to space off again.

He sighed, but squeezed your right shoulder assuring he's got your back.
Well, most of the time.

You placed your petite left hand on his and smiled.

"You k'nw you got this crazy Aussie for a boyfriend, sheila, Oi won't let anyone hurt you"

He says as he moved his hand to your waist and pulled you closer to his chest, gently nuzzling his face in the nook of your neck.

You giggled

"Hey..Sniper, can I say something?"

A small 'hmm' vibrated through your neck.

Gently stroking his soft, dark brown hair, you mumbled sweetly, "I love you"

Sniper lifted his head from your neck and pecked your ear then your cheek.

"I love you too, (y/n)"

Returning back to your base from having a peaceful moment with RED Sniper, you quietly whistle a tune you kinda remembered.

Embarrassing (y/n)! To think you can't remember the tune that Spy sung to you many, many times when you were a wee lass? Tsk Tsk

Suddenly out of nowhere, you were tackled down by two familiar mercenaries.

Gasping out in shock, and a small 'oof' escaping your lips following after, you groaned in pain.

"Hey (y/n)!", two voices you recognized said in unison. 

Blinking, you barely tilted your head, only to see Scout and Demoman on you.

You threw your head back, and groaned, "whaaaat?", half-joking in the process.

Scout rolled his eyes and rolled off of you, peeling Gus off as he got up.

Then he helped you up.
You dusted yourself clean before crossing your arms.

"I'm serious, What is it, Scout?", he sighs.

He shook his head before giving you, 'Are-you-Serious?' Look.

"Don't tell me you've gone and smash your brains in toots"


Seeing the, 'What-Are-You-Talking-About' look, the BLU demoman laughs,

"See Scout? The poor lass in fact loss her mind and now can't even remember. Aye, me and ya should not tell her", he playfully winks (haha, i'm so sorry) with his only one eye at Scout.

"Shush it Cyclops. What he and I mean is, its your birthday in two day's!"

Oh crap, how could've you forgotten your own birthday?!

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