× Chapter Four ×

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Normal P.O.V, but its from Sniper's P.O.V

He walked around the base, clearly angry at almost everything.

Nothing agitated him, but he didn't get any sleep the night before...or the night's before that too.
Oh boy, does the lack of sleep can cause someone, like that grumpy bushman, to be so much more grumpier...he sure needs to sleep.

Richard sighed bitterly as he stopped in front of the intelligence room before punching the wall nearby.

Little cracks now blossomed on the slightly damaged wall, but not surely the pain that emitted throughout Sniper's fist not made him fazed one bit.

His knuckles, covered in now cuts and scratches, bled a crimson river down to his wrist.

But for all he cared was not the burning sensation in his bleeding knuckles, but in fact, was the throbbing mess beating violently against his chest.

And for once, all the time not being able to sleep and only surviving on coffee, he had a long period of thinking.

It was the thought of (y/n) that kept him conflicted at night.

Richard leaned against the wall and slid down.

"Piss...", he mutters to himself.


(Y/n)'s P.O.V
As Jane Doe kept yelling/drilling [at] you, "You listen very well again cupcake! You BETTER bring your uncle next time you go over to that scum place! I will plum them with my fists if I be damned if you ever get harmed ever again! DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND!?",

You sighed a yes.

Then, what seemed like it was going to end, Jane continued, more sympathetically, "I don't think my big American heart can handle the pain if I ever knew my princess was injured by those maggots! Never! Remember this very well, (y/n). An Eagle don't hang out with pigeons. By pigeons, I mean the RED pigeons! Check your surroundings!", Soldier faked a sob.

You rolled your eyes as you placed a hand under your chin, all curled up on the couch.

You've been over this lecture a million times, but you still understood why Jane kept lecturing you.

You were raised by the BLU team themselves when you were abandoned as a baby.

And they couldn't bear losing you.
Flashback 26 year's ago

A loud crying could be heard from behind one of the canyon's pillar as the younger BLU Sniper stopped shooting.

Investigating what made such a loud fuss, BLU Sniper creeped around the canyon and what he saw made his heart stop.

There, in a cozy basket, snuggled a crying baby.

David gasped in horror, dropping his sniper down, and knelt down to you.

"What in the bloody is...Oh, Why..its a little ankle-bitter!", he coo'd as David picked you up gently in his hands and coddle you into his arms.

Seeming to enjoy being cradled by a warm source, you stopped fussing and began to giggle instead.

"N'aw, what a cute little one~", he laughs with you and pokes your chubby cheek.

You giggled with more joy.

Contented at the given attention, you grabbed his index finger and soon fell asleep, holding for dear life to his finger.

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