× Chapter Eight ×

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《 So I kinda fudged on your age in the earlier chapter, but i'm here to correct it! Your officially 26 year's old, the same age as RED Scout 》


Opening your eyes, you got up slightly from sleeping in so long and sleepily rubbed your eyes.

A knock and then a soft click indicated that someone was coming in your room.

Half-awake, you saw Medic came in smiling.

"Morning Engel", he softly said as he saw you were still trying to wake up.

"Morning..", you yawned and gave a slant smile to Medic.

Adrik chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

"I brought (fav. Food), your favorite~!", Medic grins as he sat on the edge of your bed.

Seeing the plate of (fav. Food) in his hands, you finally woke up and flung your arms around Medic's neck, hugging him.

"Thank you, Medic!", you muffled in between his neck.

In return, he patted your back gently and said, "Itz no problem for my engel. Afterall, itz her birthday!"

Removing your arms from Medic's neck, you began to wolf down your delicious breakfast.

"Slow down, (y/n)!", Medic chuckled lightly as he saw you devour your whole breakfast in one go

"But ifs sooo good, Medic!", you once again said in a full mouth

A sigh escaped from his lips, then a curl; a smile danced on the said doctor's lips.

Afterwords, Medic removed the plate from your hands and got up.

"Frau? Do jou mind taking a shower und making jour self presentable?", Medic asked.

You shook your head.

Medic smiles brightly and said, "Good!"

Then he left your room to give you some time to yourself for the time being.

It was eerily quiet in the base right now, but you didn't care.

You smiled as you glanced out of the window and soon, you practically ripped the blankets off of your body.

Swinging your legs off the comfortable bed, you headed towards your closet.

'This will be interesting to find something!', you pondered quietly.

Thus began the adventure to find a decent outfit for your birthday.

.: Afterwards :.

After settling on your outfit, you smiled and headed to your own private bathroom.

Next, once you were both fed and cleaned, you went back to your room and put on the outfit you laid out on your bed.

(A few suggestions from the Author, but it doesn't have to be these outfits I chose. Your the reader, have fun!)

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