Chapter 8

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[Niall’s POV]

            Harry just decked me in the mouth and walked out of the room like it was nothing. Never turned back to see if I was fine. I mean, I understand that it was one punch but, if he really was my best friend, he would have at least helped me off the ground.

            I looked down on the ground and I had blood on the floor. Then, I heard Harry vaguely say “Did you enjoy the show?” with sarcasm on his breath. The door slammed and, soon, the guys rushed into the room to get me off the floor. Liam and Louis sat me down on the bed and Zayn inspected my jawline.

            “He didn’t break any teeth. That’s good. But, you’ll have a bruise for a while,” Zayn diagnosed. I sighed and closed my eyes.

            “I shouldn’t have provoked him.” I mumbled, more so to myself. Zayn left to get ice.

            “What did you say to him?” Liam asked, putting his hands on his hips all father-like.

            I shook my head. “Well, first off, he should have never barged in my roo-”

            “What did you say to instigate him, Niall?!” Louis interrupted. Guess I can’t play victim here.

            “I called him,” I mumbled. “I called him a manwhore.” I looked at the ground.

            Zayn had returned. “Pardon?” Louis asked, checking to see if he heard me correctly.

            “I said ‘I called him a manwhore’.” I closed my eyes, knowing I was in for it.

            “WHAT?!” the guys all shouted in unison.

            “Why would you say that, Ni?” Zayn asked as he closed his eyes, defeated. “You know what that stereotype does to him.”

            Zayn realized he had the ice in his hands and he handed it to me. I placed it to my jaw and continued ranting.

            “He pissed me off and it was an “in-the-heat-of-the-moment” sort of thing! I needed to let off steam and it just blurted out before I could process it! Okay, I’m sorry.”

            The guys all calmed down. Louis sat on the right side of me. “I know that you care about him as much as we all do,” he began. I thought ‘Yeah, no kidding.’

            “But, understand that he has the reputation of a playboy. And you know, better than anyone, that’s not true.” Louis added.

            “Yeah,” Zayn sat on the left side of me. “You know that Harry is anything but a playboy. He is sweet, funny, caring, and a gentleman.”

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