Chapter 17

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WELCOME BACK! I feel like this is the mis-season premiere because I've been gone since MAY! OH WELL! I"M BACK! 

A few songs that fit in with this chapter are "All I Want" by Kodaline and "Not About Angels" by Birdy.

Please don't kill me :(


            I can barely get my feet to move away from the window. My heart is pounding so rapidly. But Niall is on the ground, still as a statue.

            I suddenly dash towards my door.

            Once outside, I notice the streets are empty. Someone just got shot and no one wants to help?!

            I see Niall in the car lot, on his back. His left leg is bent at the knee and a hand is resting on his stomach. I ran over to him and knelt at his side, grabbing his hand. Blood is rushing to my knees. Blood is pouring out of his midsection and his chest. His eyes were still open and he was blinking. Soon, his eyelids began to drop.

            “Niall,” I shouted. “Niall, open your eyes.”

            “Ha…” he exhaled. “Harry, I…”

            He looks as if he was holding on to the last bit of life. The hourglass was slowly draining of sand for him. The lights on the stage were fading. So I did what I felt I had to do.

            I kissed him.

            As soon as my lips touched his, I felt it. That missing piece I was feeling. I was afraid to kiss him because I had never dated a guy before. And I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted.

            Now I’m positive. I know what I want. I want Niall. And I want Niall to live.

            I wasn’t aware that my tears had now blended in between our kiss. I let go and Nialls eyes were closed. I grabbed his face and kiss him again, this one a little shorter.

            “Please, wake up,”

            I come to the sense that he is slowly going so I pick him up and carry him to my car. Before I get there, I hear sirens down the road. Someone must have called an ambulance.

            “They’re coming for you, love,” I whisper to him. “You’ll be okay. I promise.”

            Once the ambulance pulled up, they allowed me to sit in the back with him. While the paramedics were doing their duties, I rubbed Nialls hand with my thumb. Wake up, I thought, please wake up.

            Then, his eyes open. They’re still weak, but he looks around the ambulance at the people sticking needles into his arms and placing oxygen masks on his face. Then, his watery blue eyes drift to me.

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