Chapter 16

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[Narry’s POV]

            “Okay, now I’m extremely confused,” Simon rubbed his temples and stood up. “Louis is gay, too?”

            I looked over to him, because not even I knew the answer! He shrugged and took my hand. “I guess I was nervous to say it,” he chuckled.

            Well if we’re going to act this out then I guess I better play along so that we don’t mess it up. I smiled and leaned in to him.

            “Yup. Sorry for not saying it earlier, Si,” I shrugged. Simon chuckled and put up his hands in defense.

            “Aye, boys, I don’t care if you want to get married. But, please…lay low on this. But, Louis,” he turned his attention towards my “boyfriend”. “What about Eleanor?”

            Louis shrugged and sighed. “We broke up two months ago because…” his mind searched for an excuse, but Louis is quite the actor. “She found out about Niall and I liking each other so she split.”

            Simon nodded in understanding. “Well, I wish I could say that Oliver would be happy to hear the news, but you know him,” Simon sighed, and I groaned. “We’ll schedule a meeting at 1DHQ sometime. See you guys later,” he smiled as we said our goodbyes.


            “WHAT were you thinking?!” I shouted to Lou as we were driving back to my flat. “He thinks you and ME are dating now! Imagine Olivers face when he finds out!”

            Louis slammed on the brakes, jerking us forward slightly. He stopped and turned in his seat to look at me. “Oh, you think he would react different were it you and Harry?” he bit back. I scoffed and sat back in my seat.

            “Why’d you do it?” I asked after sitting in silence for a moment.

            He blew air out of his nose. “Harry is the golden boy of the group. Even you know that. People who don’t even like us still know the famous, hunk Harry Syles. Do you know how devastating it’d be if the world found out that Britain’s favorite came out? With a bandmate for that matter?” he asked, calmly. I nodded. That’s true. But won’t they find out eventually?

            “I know I messed up,” Louis sighed. “If you want, we can confess everything to Oliver. Tell him that I was mixing things up just to buy some time,” he looked over to me with an apologetic look. I frowned.

            I understand where he is coming from. People would expect Louis to be gay, but not Harry. It could ruin the band. That’s probably why Simon and Oliver don’t want us to ruin anything by coming out. I agree that we should lay low.

            “I know you meant well. You were covering up for Harry and me,” I smirked at him. Louis smiled and ruffled up my hair.

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