Chapter 12

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            Play the song “The Light” by The Album Leaf when it says to.

[Harry’s POV]

            I really don’t know how much longer I take this secret. It’s been a month and no one knows. And that’s a good thing! It means we’re doing a good job hiding it. But, I want to be able to hold hands with him in public. I want to go on dates freely, and not have to arrive in separate cars. I know why Niall wants to hide us. It’s because he doesn’t want society to ruin us like they do every new couple. Plus, we’re two guys. Not everyone is going to agree with our decisions. 

            And I get that. In the beginning of it all, it was fun, sneaking around. It gave us a rush of adrenaline. But, now, I’m sick of it. I have to come up with clever excuses for why the boys can’t come over. I can’t tell them that Niall is here. He’s always at my flat. And sometimes I’m over at his for a change.

            I love Niall. After all, he’s my best mate. I’m willing to give up my freedom for him. Any day. I just want us to be free together.

            I was sitting in my car, waiting. I was waiting for Niall to show up. He told me that he’d be wearing a black hoodie and snapback. I have been waiting in front of this coffee shop for 20 minutes. He’s never late for our meet-ups. I checked the time.

            It’s noon. I knew the risk I was taking by arranging a lunch date in the day time. I just missed him.

            Soon, I saw the familiar white Ascari pull up in the car lot. I smiled and waited for him to go inside. After a few minutes, I got out of my car and walked into the café.

            Niall had a menu in front of him when I sat down.

            “Afternoon,” he smiled, putting his hood down.

            “Hey, you,” I poked his cheek, causing him to laugh. “I missed you,” I whispered.

            He closed his eyes and nodded. “Same. It’s weird with you not in my bed last night. We always cuddle,” he smiled briefly before pouting.

            I frowned and looked around me for a quick glance. “I know, but Louis came over and it would've been weird. You know that.”

            He nodded. “Oh, yeah. I know. I just don’t like it.”

            I chuckled as Niall looked over at the counter. “Well, I’m going to go buy something. You want anything? A tea?” he offered.

            I nodded. He knows what kind of tea I like. Exactly how I like it, too. He strolled over to the queue to order. I took out my phone from my front pocket.

            It began ringing as it was in my hands and I looked at the screen. Nick. I smiled as I accepted the call.

            “Yello,” I chimed. His deep chuckle on the other end was a good sign.

            “You’re happy I see. I’m guessing it’s because of a little Irish boy,” he replied.

            I nodded when I realized that he couldn’t see me. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, he’s been my reason to smile lately.” I turned around to see Niall standing in line. He looked so cute. He was just standing in line waiting until his turn to order, but he was still adorable.

            “You there? Earth to Harry,” Nick’s voice became recognizable. I went off into space again.

            “Oh, sorry. What did you call for?” I asked, keeping my voice down.

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