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            I tighten my belt around my waist as I slip my feet into my boots. I grab my car keys and phone and slip them into my front pockets, along with my wallet. I agree with the fans, my pants are so tight, I don’t know how anything can fit in my pockets.

            I laugh as I walk downstairs. My mum is in the kitchen fixing up something to eat for her and her new granddaughter, my niece. Gemma is probably still asleep even though it’s noon.

            “Afternoon, sweetheart,” my mum greets me with a kiss on my cheek. I kiss little Megan, whom is sitting in her highchair, and she giggles.

            “Hello ladies,” I grin. “What’s for lunch?”

            She bats my hand away from the pan of eggs. “Nothing for you. Aren’t you going out to lunch?” She asks. I groan.

            “Yes,” I huff.

            My mum laughs. “Then you can eat when you get there. It’s going to be girls’ day. Isn’t that right, Megan?” Megan shrieks a laugh and kicks her legs out. I pick her up and hold her in my arms.

            “My little princess,” I mumble against her soft head, which is growing beautiful, brown hair strands.

            Megan pushes off of my shoulder and puts her hands on my face. I pretend to bite her hands and she laughs. Then Gemma walks into the kitchen, yawning.

            “Uh-oh. There’s mummy,” I whisper in the baby’s ear. “Run away, she is a mean monster. Go while you have a chance, little one!” I set her down and she starts to run from Gem.

            My big sister whacks my shoulder and chases after her daughter.

            My mother pulls me into her arms. “You’re still a menace, I see.” I hug her tightly and then let go. “Tell the boys I said hi,” she smirks at me.

            I smile widely.


            The first face I see when I enter the restaurant is Louis’. He is laughing with someone when he sees me. He shouts. “HARRY!” and a lot of people look at me. I chuckle and run to him. Yes. Run.

            We run to each other and hug tightly. I take in his scent and I couldn’t tell you how much I missed smelling him, in a non-weird way obviously.

            “I missed you, man,” he mumbles into my shoulder.

            “It’s been a year and 6 months,” I sigh and pull away.

            We walk back to the booth and that’s where I see Zayn and Liam sitting across from Lou. We all greet each other. Louis was the one I hadn’t seen the longest. Last time I saw Zayn was 7 months ago in Paris. And Liam was at Megan’s 1st birthday party.

            “I missed this,” Liam said patting my shoulder.

            “Yeah, but enough sappy talk,” I say, “Zayn, tell me. How’s the tour?”

            He sighs a happy sigh. “I get to paint in a gallery that travels all over the world. It’s great, man. I was in Brazil a couple weeks ago and it was so beautiful. Kinda reminds me of when we all went together,” he said patting Liam on the shoulder.

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