Chapter 10

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[Harry’s POV]

            I pulled up to my mum’s home in Cheshire. It was 10 in the morning so I knew she’d be up. I’m so excited to see her! I missed her and my older sister, Gemma.

            Niall took in my excitement because he shook his head laughing. I glared at him.

            “If you hadn't seen your mum in 5 weeks, you’d be excited, too!” I retorted.

            Niall scoffed. “I haven’t!” he retaliated. True, true. Niall is going to stay here for a bit, before flying back out Ireland to see his parents.

            “Well isn't it good that you’re leaving in a few days, then?” I smiled sarcastically. I didn't want him to leave. But we’re all on vacation and we’ll see each other soon.

            I took my luggage out of the trunk and walked up the pathway to the door. Anxiously, I knocked on the door. I heard little cat bells running up to the door. LENA! I missed that little hairball running around everywhere.

            Soon, the locks on the door unlocked and it opened. My mum screamed when she saw me.

            “My baby!” she cried as she pulled me into a hug. I tightened my arms around her and put my head in her neck. She smelled so nice. I missed her motherly scent. She pulled away and hugged the life out of Niall, placing a kiss on his cheek. Once we came in the house, I heart feet coming down the stairs. It was Gemma and her fishtail braid.

            “Harry!” she screamed as she jumped on me. For an older sibling, she’s just as childish.

            “I missed you guys!” I shouted as we all had a group hug, Niall included.

            Once we had our greetings, mum went to go finish making lunch, Gemma joined Niall and I to a game of Black Ops. I kept losing, but Niall took over the controller which helped me win. I’m not the combat game type. He sat on the couch, getting all into the game, while I took my seat on the floor by his legs. Gemma came and sat down on the opposite sofa.

            “Harry, you suck,” Gemma chuckled as she took a sip from her glass of whatever beverage.

            “Say’s the only female in the room,” I mumbled with a smirk clear on my face.

            Gemma gasped and smacked the back of my head. “Gross!”

            Niall and I started laughing and then Gemma eventually joined in. After our laughing fit, my mum came back with a sandwich.

            “Oh, thanks mummy.” I held out my hand and she started laughing.

            “It’s not for you.” She sat down and bit into it. Niall and Gemma made “OOOH!” noises. “KILL EM!” Gemma commented, to which Niall high-fived her for.

            “So, boys,” my mum began to say. “Anything new?”

            I shrugged. Niall nudged me to be more polite. “Harry and I went to dinner last night,” he smiled proudly. I nearly blushed.

            “Aw, where to?” Gemma asked.

            “To a fancy place in London.” I gulped. I don’t want them to expect anything.

            My mum’s eyebrows knitted themselves together in confusion. “What was the occasion?”

            I was about to speak when Niall interrupted. “Just because,” he shrugged. “It was a friendly treat.”

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