Chapter 14

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Play the song “9 Crimes” by Damien Rice when it says to.

[Niall’s POV]

            I love harry so much. I wasn’t too upset that he wanted to tell Louis. I mean, he is our best friend after all. And Louis hates secrets. He is a loyal friend and it pains me to keep this from him, but I don’t want this to become a big thing. I understand that the guys won’t say anything, but I don’t know about having anyone else know.

            I think Harry wants to tell them tomorrow when we go out to eat. We talked about this last week. Harry is planning on just telling them about everything. The dates, the late night sneak-outs; everything.

            But, for right now, I’m getting ready for our date. It’s been a week since Harry and I made up, so he is taking me out for a change. I just got dressed in my most comfortable attire and did my hair as the usual; very erect and swept over.

            He didn’t tell me where we would be having dinner. He did say that I would love it more than I love him. Doubt that. Though, I am a bit curious as to what he has in mind if he thinks I’ll love the place more than him.

            He texted me where to meet him. I’m excited! Did I already say that? Well, I just want to know what’s going to happen.

            I threw on a white t-shirt with a jean vest over it. Then I slipped on some dark washed jeans with my supras. After gelling my hair a bit, I texted Harry that I was on my way.

            “From Harry: Great. Just left my flat. See you soon babe”

            I smiled at my phone and tucked it in. As I locked the door to my flat, I got another text. It was from Liam.

            “hey, wanna have a movie night with the other guys at my place? (: They’re all coming over except for Harry. I think he’s ill :(”

            I sighed. I hate lying. Good thing we’re going to clear up all of this confusion and lying tomorrow.

            “Think I’m gona stay in tonight. But thank you x Tell the guys I said hiiiii”

            I hopped in my car and read the directions that harry sent me. Where is this place? I’ve never heard of any of these streets. Oh well. I trust him.

            Once on the road, I began thinking about the last time we were in this position. We had gotten into an argument. I just pray that nothing like that happens again. I’m not going to let it.

            After 5 minutes of driving, I heard sirens. I looked in my rearview and saw an ambulance speeding down the boulevard. I did the right thing and pulled off to the side, along with the other cars who did so.

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