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Text copyright ©LittleMissGoody ™ 2016

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Ella's POV

All I remember was being rushed to the hospital my new Williams family crying and surrounding me, protecting me from the media. Christian, Derek and Dwayne running beside me holding my hand through this all. The doctor putting a oxygen mask over my nose and then darkness.

Dwayne's POV

We waited and waited what felt like a millumiem for a doctor to see us. When the doctor walked out and he spoke with Christian there was a quiet hush conversation. There was no reaction on Christian's face or his body movement did not give a hint of how Ella and the baby were doing. We watched as Christian followed the doctor to a room and the door closed. And then a few minutes later a loud scream NO!!! It sounded like Ella. We all ran to the room but stopped when we saw through the glass door, my sister still in her bloody woren wedding gown ripped to pieces gripping on to Christian's arm and was crying. And Christian still in his black suit, his red ruby tie hanging over his shoulder, and his white shirt covered in my sisters blood holding her with one arm and placing kisses on her forehead crying. They lost the baby. We watched as Christian got into bed with her and just held her tight. I turned I couldn't watch anymore. My poor sister she is a fighter but I don't know how she will survive losing her baby. I sat on the chair and watched as shadows of family members removed themselves from the scene and we all cried for the loss of an innocent unborn child. A loss no parent ever wants to go through. And no family member ever wants to witness.

We had a small burial service for the baby Mia who was so loved by many. The media were paid to not release any stories about Ella being in hospital and the shootings. But the real work was about to begin and that was getting Ella home and help with her mental recovery.

Over the next few months we as a family surrounded Ella and Christian with as much love and support as we could. But she was a hollow person she looked defeated. And that was my biggest fear that she would fall into depression. Christian didn't know what to do and neither did we. She sat by the glass windows in their apartment a lot, not talking not eating and just bearly surviving.

Christian had to return to work, but we stayed and took turns feeding her watching her and today was my turn. I watched as she sat by the window again today. I was scrolling through my phone when out of nowhere she grabbed the chair she was sitting on and threw it at the window. And started punching and kicking it when I ran over to stop her she was screaming 'why me' I grabbed her and we dropped to the ground and she just cried and cried. I just held her to me and let her scream, then cry then scream some more. I didn't know what to say so I just held her. When she stopped crying and screaming I didn't want to let go

"Okay are you hungry" I asked
She nodded her head
"Okay promise you won't throw anymore chairs"
"Okay we are going to get up and we are going to cook something to eat and your going to help me okay"
We got up and moved to the kitchen pulling things out and we started getting into a rhythm of doing familiar things of when we were younger she would cut and prepare the food and I would cook it. We did this in silence. Then I heard her cry
"How am I going to survive this" Ella whispered
"One day at a time, one foot in front of the other"
"I want to kill the person who shot my Mia"
"I know but that won't bring Mia back"
"I know" she sounded defeated
"How do you feel about Christian"?
"What, why"? She looked at me confused
"Because sis he looks like he lost two loved ones that day"
"Oh, I love him so much it just hurts because I lost his child"
"Is that what you think he feels, has he said that to you"?
"No he hasn't"
"Well maybe when he gets home from work you could ask him how he feels because you know he lost a child too"
"Then why did he go back to work"
"Maybe because he didn't want to watch his wife waste away, and he didn't go to work voluntarily we forced him, for his own sanity"
"Oh" she hung her head low
"He loves you very much hes just lost on what to do, how to act or what to say around you. Hes walking on egg shells to be who you need him to be. But honestly he is being your husband that you married"
"Ha ha ha My wedding day was a nightmare"
"Ha ha ha I'm sure a lot of people have a nightmare of a wedding day, but you will just have to create new memories to out weigh the bad"
"Yeah I want that but I'm scared if I keep living I will forget my Mia"
"You will never forget your Mia. But you need to survive for those who are still here in this lifetime, create happy memories with the ones who love you here in the present"
Then I felt her arms go around my waist and her head on my arm
"I love you brother"
"I love you too, now start living for me"
"I will"

"Hi" I heard Christian say as a whisper, he looked the same as her defeated sliding on thin ice of life.
"Hi I missed you" replied Ella
I watched as Christian was surprised this is the most Ella has spoken to anyone in the last few months. He grabbed her and kissed her so passionately
"I've missed you too baby" he smiled while looking her in the eyes.

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