Day 4

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Ella's POV

"Ava" Dwayne yelled at her
"What is she even doing here Dad?" Ava replied
"Ava thats no way to speak about your Aunty"
"Its all her fault its always her fault, why did she come back into our lives"?
"Ava stop that now!"

Then she turned an ran up the stairs.

"Sis I'm sorry, I don't know where she would get such an idea from"
"Its okay"
"I better go speak to her" he placed a hand on my shoulder I looked at him as he gave me an apologetic smile. And followed up the stairs to Ava's room.

I felt so deflated, so unwanted in a house fill with family, was it my fault that Denise was decapitated?
Maybe Ava is right I shouldn't be here. I should of stayed away from my family to keep them safe. I heard footsteps approaching

"Hey baby couldn't sleep" Christian said cheerfully as he was walking to me but then suddenly tilted his head to the side

"Whats wrong?"
"It doesn't look like nothing"
"I don't want to talk about it"
He looked at me but I looked away I  guess the feeling of guilt was just to overwhelming for me to look him in the eyes.

He kissed me on my forehead and continue on talking but I wasn't really listening I was to focused on what just happened.

"Hey" Christian said as he caressed the side of my cheek, "Is it really nothing"
"Yeah, I'm tired I think I'll go for a quick shower before bed"

I walked into our bathroom started the shower as I stared at the water that was running and held my hand under the water to make sure it was the right temperature before I got in. Once I closed that shower door. I couldn't hold it no more I just cried and cried. I didnt hear Christian come in until I felt him hold me under the shower. I turned and buried my face into his chest, I just cried under the water that was cascading down our bodies. I felt Christian turn off the taps he got  me out of the shower and dried me up and clothed me. He knew exactly what to do. He didn't say a word to me he would only motion actions I needed to do like held a t-shirt over my head so I needed to lift my arms. Then he dried my hair while I sat on the edge of the bed. All in silence. Then he placed me in bed then he got dressed and hopped into bed after me and held me to his chest. All while he smoothed my hair and kissed my head. I couldn't sleep I just lay there in the embrace of my husbands arms.

"Are you ready to talk about nothing yet"
I let out a breath
"Ava blames me for her mothers decapitated head"

He pulled me away so he was looking at me at arms length

"What! You don't believe her do you"

I looked away but Christian only grabbed my chin so I was looking at him square in the eyes

"You are not responsible for her death, whoever this evil person is they are responsible NOT you. Do you understand me Ella?"

I just nodded because I knew deep down it was my fault she was taken,  decapitated and used as a message for me. It was definitely my fault.

The next few days I was a zombie I couldnt taste food no matter what Christian put in front of me I could not eat my guilt away. Everytime I saw Oliver she was like her mother and it destroyed me inside at the hand I played in her mothers death. Ava was right I should have never come back I should of just stayed away to keep my family safe. I was selfish in my need to see them which put them all in danger.

Christians POV

My wife was depressed no matter what I did or said she wasn't hearing me and it was frustrating. I was watching my wife slip away from me in front of my very eyes.

"Dwayne have you spoken to Ava yet" I asked
"I have but she is adamant that Ellas to blame no matter what I say to her there is no way getying through to that child. I'm sorry man I really did try and so has Derek"

Thats it I'm taking care of this. I walked upstairs and knocked on her door
"Ava can we talk"
"To bad I'm coming in" I left the door open and walked in she was laying on her bed painting her nails
"I said NO"
"And I said TO BAD, whats going on why do you blame your Aunty Ella"
"Shes the problem! everytime she is around something happens or someone dies"
"And someone lives"
"What do you mean"
Then I told her the story Ella told me over a year ago about Derek and his abusive father and how he shot Ava's  grandparents and she saved Dereks life. Then her father's life at the courthouse and mine on several occasions.
"You see Ava,  Ella would of given her life for your mothers if she had known back then she was in trouble, and she would gladly give her life for you. She is not the problem here. I know your hurting and I know you have lost someone precious to you. I did too I lost Mia on my wedding day but I still got to have the love of my life Ella. She saved me that day but we lost our child but I don't ever blame her, I blame the person who loaded that chamber of that gun and shot my wife and child. I blame them. So if your going to be angry direct it to the right person instead of hurting the ones you love. You see Ava while your up here painting your nails and looking all pretty, my wife refuses to eat, my wife is feeling guilty and your words are to blame. I waited till she could understand what I had just said I watched as she dropped her head in shame,  ok now I need you to put on your big girl pants and go apologize to my wife for something she had no control over and if you ever speak to my wife like that again Ava, I won't be so kind when we have our next chat, understand"
"Yes uncle"
"Alright then, she is outside I look forward to seeing a smile on my wife's face soon then"
"Yes uncle"

I walked out her room and closed her door.

After a few minutes I watched from the kitchen as Ava opened the sliding door and close it behind ready to speak to Ella

Ella's POV

I was sitting outside not wanting to be around anyone when I heard
"Aunty Ella"
"Ava" I said in surprise
"I'm sorry for what I said before I just miss mum" she began to cry
I held out my arms for her to fall into them and she sobbed
"Its okay honey I'm sorry too that trouble always seems to follow me, and you know your right it is all my fault and I'm really sorry honey"
"No Aunty its not your fault it never was its whoever did this to my mum and I just took it out on you".
I giggled "you sound like my husband"
"Thats because Uncle gave me a telling off"
"He did what"
"Don't blame him I needed to be reminded that it wasn't your fault"
"I'm sorry I'll speak to him about it"
"No please don't he's scary when he wants to be. But he was right Aunty it wasn't your fault I love you"
"I love you too"
We sat there talking and crying and hugging each other before we had no more tears.

We were all ready to go to bed when there was a ahem from behind us, it was Alex

"Sir we have another parcel"

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