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Ella POV

I turned and walked to look out the windows and wiped the single tear that fell down my face

"Everyone out" Christian ordered

I heard footsteps moving away towards the door, then the door shut close and then a lock sound. I heard quiet footsteps approaching me and then hands wrap around my waist and thats when I cried, really cried. I felt my husband whisper sweet words of encouragement in my ears while my body couched over with a uncontrollable emotion of pain, fear, guilt and uncertainty of whats to come. What have I done.

"Shhh baby I'm here, its going to be alright" Christian said

I pulled out of his arms and turned to him with tears running down my face

" No its not going to be ok my family are in danger and its all my fault" I yelled.
"No its not Ella"
"How can you say that they killed my child, they are going to kill my brothers, my nieces.... they are they are going to kill you"

"Hey hey stop that stop thinking like that, I will do everything in my power to make sure you are safe"

I stared at him with tears running freely down my face

"And I will not lose another family member to these killers I will die in your place"

He was angry
"You will not put yourself in harms way to protect anyone of us do you understand"!

I stare at him blank faced, no emotion just pure clarity 
"Do you understand Ella, No more so help me Ella I will fucking hurt you myself, NO"! Christian yelled.

He placed his hands on the side of my cheeks and looked me in the eyes before he kissed me hard. At first I didn't respond as I didn't realise what he was doing before I remembered how much I loved those beautiful lips on mine and I felt a surge of love within me and returned his kiss. Then he pulled away
" We will all deal with this together, you are not alone, we will fight this together because if I lost you Ella my life would be over. I would rather have nothing, than to never hold you, kiss you or ever speak to you again.  Ella I mean it I will give up everything for you, promise me you will not give your life for mine, promise me."

He searched my eyes for any doubt any hesitation. I couldn't promise him this I just didn't want to lie to him. I went to turn away when he forced me to look at him

"Ella promise me, do you know how empty of a shell my body and soul will be without you in my life, you are my wife my lover I need you. Leaving me would be devastating. Please Ella please. I need you more than air itself, you are not to blame for this psychopaths mindset, you are not responsible for everyones life. You are important to all of us. So stop putting these stupid ideas in your head. Please Ella"

I just stood there, the tears had long stopped. We stood in silence him looking at me for something a reaction anything. But I can't lie to him I can't promise that I won't give my life for his, I can't promise something I knew I wasn't going to keep. After a long silence.

"Argh Ella for fuck sake you made a vow to me to protect me so protect my heart and soul and never give up on us, you said you would give your life for mine. Then give me your life your living breathing life, promise me you will never die intentionally. Promise me"

"You remember I said that but I meant every word on our wedding day. My life was yours" I said

"I remember because I knew you meant a whole different meaning. So since your officially mine and your life is mine then I want you to promise me you will honour your vow and keep me happy by living a life with me, giving me a family, making a life of love and happiness. We need to grow old together. You must honour your vow as my wife to me your husband. Ella promise me"

Damn him this beautiful husband knows me to well, he is right I promised to be his wife for now and in the future, when I lost Mia it tore my life apart I could never see him moving on with anyone else. I will keep my promise and not put myself in harms way. I promise to work with him. I promise not to intentionally hurt myself to save them. I will be the old grey hair wife he wants forever surrounded by generations and generations of Williams family members. I promise to give him that life for us.

I grabbed him by his collar looked him in the eyes
"I promise I love you more than life"
Then I kissed him like it was the last time I will ever see him. 

We inform Dwayne about what we found out, Detective Sam was in contact with us everyday. I think that was more Christian harassing him than him giving his time up freely. I'm sure he regrets helping us now.

Security was still following me every where but it was for all our safety. Derek was always on high alert.

After a long emotional week I went home I walked straight to the kitchen grabbed a glass and a wine bottle and poured me a glass. And was taking a big mouthful
"Hi baby been a hard day" he said as he kissed me on my forehead and wrapped his arms around my waist
I didn't realise he would be home
"You could say a hard week, what are you doing home today"?
"I was meeting up with Sam today"
"Hmm first name basis now so what did Sam say" I smiled
He grinned at my sarcasm "Nothing new"
"Oh great" I rolled my eyes. Christian was going to reply when we heard

We turned to see Alex holding a parcel
"We have received an unmarked parcel for an unknown source we have scanned the parcel and it looks like a body part and it has a fowl smell"
"Okay put it on the bench"
Christian opened it, I gasped when I saw what was inside there in the parcel with dead rabbit head all bloody and a note which said
            'Off with your head'
               Queen of Hearts


A/N dedicated to User18354197 &
Laya_jasmin thanks for the reminder 😊

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