Day 5

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Ellas POV

As Christian had said we all piled onto his private jet the next day to go be with Dwayne and the girls. The flight to California was quiet each of us lost in our own thoughts.

When we arrived to the house Dwayne looked terrible, he looked like he hadn't slept all night and had been crying all night. And the same with the Ava and Olivia. We hugged for what felt like forever. But then one thing that was different was Ava she didn't look to happy to see us. I glanced at Derek and he felt the same way, maybe the news of her mothers death was to overwhelming. Christian, Dwayne Derek and myself sat around the table in silence.

"So what do we do, do we wait for a body to turn up or do we go ahead and um um bury her h... um...." Dwayne asked

"I think it best we wait to find her body" I replied

"That could take days, months or even years"

"What ever you want to do brother we are here" Derek said

"I don't know,  the girls are at a loss they want to honour their mother but they don't want to bury just her head, I've notified her family and they will be here in a few days to discuss what we will do for Denise what is best for her"

"Okay" Christian Derek and I said in unison

We sat in silence again before we all partied our ways. I decided that I would go have a nap I wasn't feeling to crash hot but as I got up the stairs I saw Ava at the top with her hands folded across her chest not looking happy at all.

"What are you doing here anyway" she asked in such a distasteful voice

I was taken back from her question

"Ava I'm here to support you, your sister and your father"


"Ava because I love you and thats what family do, Ava whats wrong?"

"Nothing" she said before she stomped off

I walked to the room I thought thats really weird of Ava I wonder what is up with her. I drifted off to sleep, when I woke it was late at night and it was pitch black in the room, Christian hadn't come to bed yet. So I got up in search of him

When I got downstairs I looked at the clock it was 1am and I could hear him on his phone talking to someone, his back was to me

"I don't care we need to give this family some peace find me that body, whatever it takes. Yes do it" I heard Christian say before he hung up the phone.

I walked up to his back and kiss him in between his shoulder blades as I placed my arms around his waist. I lay my head against his back while I held him, I felt him grab my arms and pull me to the front of him. I looked into his eyes and I caressed his cheeks with my hands and I watched as he closed his eyes and tilted his head to lay in my hand.

"Baby you look tired why don't you come to bed" I said

He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Come on I need to take you to bed too. Its been a long day" he replied

We walked back to our room hand in hand he held on as if he didn't want to let me go.
I sat on the bed as I watched him undress. First his cufflinks then his white shirt, then his belt and dress pants which he lay over the chair by the dresser.

He was in his boxers as he approached me I got under the covers and lifted them for him to lay with me.

"Come on baby lets get some sleep" he said

"Christian you look exhausted are you ok?"

"Nothing to worry your beautiful head about, by the way I heard what Ava said to you this afternoon, are you alright"

"Fine, it just took me by surprise I didnt see that coming"

"Yes that took me by surprise too"

"I just hope whatever is on her mind we can talk about it"

"Sleep we will deal with it tomorrow, I love you baby, goodnight"


But even after we had said goodnight I couldn't sleep probably because I had just woken up from a long sleep, I slipped out from underneath Christians arm and headed to the kitchen to get me a drink. I was sitting on a stool by the kitchen bench silently lost in my thoughts about all the time me and Denise spent together.

"Couldn't sleep" Dwayne asked

"No, not really, you can't either"

"I haven't slept much since you told me the news"

"Oh right" I  felt stupid for even saying that out loud.

"I have some old photos of us he placed an old worn photo album on the bench in front of me theres some great memories in there"

I grabbed the old photo album and started looking through some of the old photos, geez these were some great memories. Of when us 4 would go off camping, playing at the beach, Denise and I sunbathing. Derek and Dwayne play fighting stances. Oh wow there was even a photo of Dwayne and Denises prom night I had to laugh at the memory.

"Omg do you remember when you wanted to look so buff in your tuxedo that you brought a size to small, and you actually ripped the pants before you even left the house and you were wearing Superman undies" I laughed

"Oh man I remember Denise saying to me how am I suppose to score with those superman undies he better be big"

We were laughing so long at the memory of Denises face when she said it. She had apologized not realising she had said it out loud and for a whole week me and Denise would buy him boxers so he wouldn't have to wear his cartoon character ones. But I slipped in a pair of unicorn boxers and Denise said it made her laugh everytime she watched him undress but then he felt like she was laughing at his manhood. So then she had to resort to not watching him undress. We were reminiscing and laughing at the memories of her.

"You kill my mother then you come into my house and laugh at her death. Your such a bitch I wish it was your head in that box" Ava said while looking at me with so much vengeance.

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