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Ellas POV

Its been a few weeks since we have moved into our mansion and I love it. Christian has reduced the amount of security around us. We work all the time and when we are not at work we are spending quality time together. Everything feels so good so at peace

I was working away when I my office phone started ringing, hmm thats a California number, what the heck
"Afternoon Williams Corporation, Ella speaking"
"Aunty Ella"
"Ava whats wrong"
"Mums not here, and we can't get a hold of Dad"
"What do you mean shes not there?"
"She hasn't been home for 2 days now, and Dad must be some place where there is no connection, but Aunty"
"Theres a note to Dad and all her stuff is gone, should I. . . should I read it"
"No Ava, are you and Olivia okay?
"Yes we are fine"
"Okay I'm on my way I'll see you soon"
"Okay Aunty be safe I love you"
"I love you too sweetheart"

Sh*t what the hell is going on.
I ring Christian

"Hey baby"
"Hi i need to leave to go to California"
"Whats going on"
"Denise hasnt been home for 2 days and the girls cant get hold of Dwayne I need to go to make sure they are ok"
"Of course baby, I can't leave work right now but leave the flight details to me you go with Derek and go home and pack I'll sort the rest out for you. I'll call you later okay"
"Thank you honey"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

I call Derek who was downstairs working out. He was just as surprised as I was and just like Christian said he had organised everything for us. Derek finally got to go on the private jet but he was to worried about the girls like I was to enjoy the experience.

We arrived into California that night and had a driver take us straight to Dwaynes house. And just like Ava said we couldn't get hold of him either. We need to take care of the girls for him. When we got there Ava and Olivia were so happy to see us, and like Ava said all of Denises clothes were gone and an envelope with Dwaynes name on it at the front door for him. I don't know whats going on but I need to be here for my family. We got the girls to have showers while me and Derek made dinner for us, we organised their day with them what drop offs they needed for school and after school activities.

We had been here for 3 days now, and still no word from either Dwayne or Denise. When my phone rang it was Dwayne
"Sis" the line was very static
"You need to come home its urgent"
"Are they hurt"
"No but you need to come home Now"
"Okay I'm leaving now"

Derek walked in
"Was that Dwayne?"
"Yeah I just told him he needs to come home, he's on his way"
"What do you think happened to Denise?"
I looked at him I can't lie, her clothes were gone, and the envelope was by the front door and even though she never said she was unhappy you could sometimes see the disappointment in her eyes everytime he had to leave her for his job.
"I think she left them"
"Hmm I think your right too, we need to be here for him because Dwayne will be absolutely devastated, I mean no one saw this coming"
"I know I know"
"I'm going to let Christian know I will be here longer, how are the girls"
"They will be fine they will have us"

I walked into the spare room and dialled Christians number
"Hi baby" it sounded like I just woke him
"Hi sorry honey were you sleeping?"
"Yeah but its alright, how are things"
"Dwayne finally rang hes on his way home now, but its going to be a tough road for him"
"Baby you need to be there for him like he was for us when we lost Mia he will need all the support we can give him"
"You don't mind me staying this long"
"Of course not baby stay as long as you need just come home to me"
"I will I promise, omg"
"Whats wrong"
"I won't have enough leave to stay here this long"
"Bahahaha I think you can afford to baby"
"Don't laugh you've never had to think about those things Mr Williams"
"Well I think you could always make it up to your boss when you see him next"
"Who Martin" I smirked
"Don't make me get on the next plane to show who exactly your boss is Mrs Williams"
I laughed
"I miss you"
"I miss you too this place is so empty without you"
"Well Mr Williams we will need to do something about that"
"Okay baby Im going to go and wait for Dwayne you go back to sleep and I'll call you tomorrow Have sweet dreams about me" I smiled
"I don't need to dream your my reality and I love you so much more baby, I'll talk to you tomorrow, goodnight"

I walked back downstairs and made a nice hot cuppa tea, I was thinking about all the times Christian could of or would of walked out on me, on the beginning of our relationship. But we stuck by each other we were both beaten, drugged and even lost our child but we remained together no matter what happened in our life because we loved each other so much.
Dwayne and Denise they were childhood sweethearts they loved like no other. I loved her as a sister. I knew she was lonely with Dwayne being away but I would never expect her to leave the girls. All I can do is be here for my brother and comfort him when he needs me. We have a long journey in front of us all.

1am in the morning

I heard the door open and watched as Dwayne walked in and dropped his bag at the door
"Sis Derek" a look of surprise when he saw us
"Hey" I walked up to him and held him close to me I wanted to cry but he needed to be let down slowly
"Whats going on why are two here?"
"Lets go sit down"
We lead him to the lounge room and explained to him what happened. Then we watched as he bolted up the stairs to his room and go to his wardrobe, Derek and I hot on his heels. We watched as he looked shocked then he went to the bathroom all her things were gone then he stood against the wall and looked at his bed, then slid the wall.
"She left you this"
He looked at the envelope and started rippig it open to find a letter inside. He read it word for word out loud for us to hear
I'm sorry but I couldn't hide how unhappy I was anymore you were my childhood sweetheart the only guy I ever loved. I started thinking what if there was someone else out there for me. You were always gone for your work & your sister, while I was stuck at home as a house wife I didnt want to be that anymore I wanted to be more. I wanted to be loved and cherished I wanted you to love me more than you loved your job. One night I left the girls while they were fast asleep I was in my bedroom and I started thinking I want to be beautiful so I got dressed up and put on some make up (something you always hated on me) I walked into a bar sat down and ordered a drink. Well thats how I met him. His name is Arthur he made me feel alive and wanted. So every night for the last 3 months I've been with him while you were dealing with your sister. So I'm leaving you for Arthur but he doesnt like kids so I'm leaving the girls with you I don't want any contact with them ever again. I have placed the divorce papers in your bed side table stating this. Our marriage was over years ago. We were strangers in our own home. So don't be surprised. I did love you but you stopped loving me. As for the girls they will be fine I raised them most of their life and they will always love me
I just need to be me for once and choose me. Arthur chooses me and that is all I need for now. Take care of yourself and the girls dont try and find me I won't come back I promise.
Then he stopped screwed up the letter and threw it across the room. And started crying

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