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A/N my first one A/N but I'm determined to finish this book this year 2017. Sorry about all the previous delays

Ella's POV

Our Mansion was now repaired so we moved back a few days ago. And I've missed our home. Christian had bullet proof windows installed around the house, and made sure we had fire alarms in nearly all our 8 rooms, four on the first floor and four on the second room including our master room. I love being in a place we could call our own.

Derek is now officially dating Christians sister Annette and its kind of cute watching them because Derek loves attention and well Annette doesn't. A few times Derek made a scene but when he turned around Annette wasn't to be seen. She later asked me, no scratch that she told me to hurry up and have kids because at least he would be distracted and focus on something other than himself. I always wondered how they worked he was loud and she was shy. But I know one thing for sure though, they both had big hearts always willing to give up everything to help someone who had nothing. I just felt sorry for Annette because Derek was still due to show his true colors, and trust me it was going to be worst for her. I just hope she lasts because I really love Annette.

Derek had left for the day as he had an date with Annette. And Christian was on his way to come get me he said he would call once he arrives. I was working away so focused on my final touches of a marketing ad for tomorrow that I did not notice the eerie quietness of the office, then I heard a click my office door had just been locked. Standing in front of me was a figure with a black hoodie and leather jacket, their head hung low, their hands were shut tight into a fist. But in their left fist there was a shiny metal. Shit this person has a knife. Where the hell were my security guards. I stayed still anticipating his or her next move.
When my mobile started to vibrate in my pocket I reached inside and swiped to the left. I just hoped I didn't hang up. Thank god this person did not see me make small moves. I could faintly hear Christian say "Hi....Ella..." Shit I have to drain him out.

"Can I help you?"

"Shut your mouth bitch" it was a deep mans voice he still hadn't looked at me. I heard Christian say "shit"
I needed to keep him here I needed to keep him talking. And hopefully he will approach me and I could take him down.

I slowly raised my hands "look I'm not sure you are in the right place"


And thats when he removed his leather jacket and hoodie he had no top on just his bare chest was showing and the knife clear in his hand now. He looked up at me with a smirk, he looked familiar but from where? I don't know who this guy was or what he wanted. I looked at his chest and it was covered in a tattoo a dragon with knives as claws and what looked like a letter A surrounding it. He started to walk towards me I tried to move to the outside side of the desk so he would move to the other side. I had two choices I either stand my ground and fight him in hand to hand combat or I make a run for the door and then fight him off. Thats when I heard my name. Christian was here. He tried the handle of the door "Ella?"

I yelled out "Theres a guy here with me 6,10 with brown hair and brown eyes..."

"Argh I said shut up you bitch" he yelled while hitting his head, was he not well.

I heard Christian kick down the door I stood and watched as the door went flying off the hinges but I was to slow to react and the stranger grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to his chest. He placed the tip of the knife to my throat.

"Don't move Christian"

"Ok ok just take it easy, what do you want I'll give you what ever you want" replied Christian
He laughed a sinster laugh

"What you have you can't give me"

"Yes I can just name your price"

"Ok Master Joe's revenge" he laughed

Christian and I both looked at each other we were in trouble now, this was Joes solider. Hes a loyal follower.

Christian said in a angry tone "I can't let you have her, she is mine"
I looked behind Christian to see bodies on the floor and Charlie in the corner on the phone. Ok I needed to focus I needed to get away from this guy and fast before he killed me. All he had to do was push harder into my throat and I would be dead. I knew exactly what I needed to do I just had to work fast. I focused on where his hands were where the knife was and how he stood so I knew exactly what moves to do for him to release me. Thats when I stomped on his toes he bend over so I elbowed him as hard as I could to the ribs area and ran straight to Christian. But then Christian grabbed me and moved me out of the way caught the knife the stranger threw at me and threw it right back at him and it hit him in the chest. Then the stranger was in shock he pulled out the knife and ran towards us just then we heard "GET DOWN!"

Christian pushed me to the floor
And then shots were fired.
We covered ourselves until we heard a thud and the figure was now on the floor.

He looked at us and laughed he said
"If I die today I have a message for you both. You have a month left and then all the 7 of the top soliders will be released, I am merely a messagenger my life does not matter but yours does Ella eye cough for an eye"
Then he closed his eyes, red blood flowed into the carpet around his chest area.

Christian stood up and picked me up and hugged me, he pulled me away to look me in the eyes
"Are you ok baby"
I shook my head yes, but I was far from it. Then the next few hours everything was a blur. Charlie had shot him in the chest twice. The police were here asking us question after question about the incident. I answered all their questions then Christian said "All right shes answered all your questions I am going to take my wife home as you can see gentlemen she has been through quite an ordeal and she needs to rest, any further questions you may direct it to me tomorrow"
"Yes of course Mr Williams Thank you, Mrs Williams we will be in touch please try to get some rest"
I kept thinking where had a seen him before? He looked so familiar.
Christian looked at me he ran his hand down the side of face I leaned into his hand. "Baby lets go home ok"
I nodded I didn't say anything.

Christian put me in the shower and dressed me. We fell asleep in each others arms.
I watched the white moon start to turn an eclipse of red with blood, but there under the moonlight was a guy with brown hair and brown eyes staring at you as if he was staring through your soul, then as his leather jacket and black hoodie passed us in the night.
I woke up it was just a dream I sat up I was covered in a sweat.

"Omg omg omg"
"Baby are you ok?"
"He was the one from outside Eleven Madison Park that night, they've been following us since then"

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