Day 1

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Ellas POV

As planned we met with all the families who lost their loved ones in the fire. And did anything we could do to comfort them in their time of need.

I don't know if we slept last night but we managed to get up and see his parents and there was still no change with his mothers condition. Jacob was now up and moving around slowly with the aid of a wheelchair. The nurses and doctors have been incredible in caring and monitoring his parents. We couldn't Thank them enough. Jacob spent most of his time with Julie just sitting there talking to her, telling her stories of their past how he fell in love with her their first date etc.

Then we met with Wayne Christians IT specialist we found it was a container from Manhattan it was an unknown business attached to it. All the documents we received were fake. We didn't do our due diligence with this business or someone on the inside let that container onto the dock. We had Sam and Wayne working together to get more information on how this happened.

Christians phone was ringing non stop
"Baby why are you not answering your phone, it could be important?"

"Its the media my phone has been going off since yesterday, I've directed all other calls to your phone." He replied

I knew he had a lot on his mind and I needed to speak to him alone
"Sam Wayne can you give us a minute" I asked

I watched as Sam and Wayne walked out of the room amd closed the door behind them. I approached Christian I put my hands on his cheeks as he lent into my right hand with a sad look, I was watching his movements I know what hes feeling I know he is struggling to hold on, hes normally in control of everything but today I can see him slowly weakening.

"Baby we can't avoid them forever we need to meet with them and put all those families at ease"

"I know but what do I say, how do I explain I put all those poor people in harms way, that we are being targeted and they got hurt because of me?"

"No they didn't get hurt because of you they got hurt because of some vengeance against me. You are not responsible for the actions of others. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, you reminded me everyday it was not my fault it was their actions that lead us to lose our Mia. We are only responsible for the actions we took okay. Right now everything may feel like the world is on your shoulders but we will deal with it one thing at a time we will get through this me and you because I love you and you love me love always conquer all, they can't break us" I kissed him and he responded then he held me tightly to him chest for a while before he said

"Okay come on"

We walked out the door he grabbed his phone
"Shirley set up a media conference for me at 4pm today, yes in front of the shipping dock ok, get my PR and Joe to meet me at home in an hour "

He meet with his PR Roger and Joe was his lawyer an old school friend who he trusted with everything, Roger whose name he couldn't remember, maybe because he doesn't use Roger as much, apparently he has been Christians PR for many years. I left them alone in his office I called Derek to see how Julie and Jacob were but there was still no change. I left Derek to guard Annette because I was with Christian and I didn't want Christian worrying about me too.

At 3pm I watched as Christian walked out of his office with Roger and Joe he saw me standing in the kitchen and smiled he walked up to me he looked more like the man I married confident secure in himself and sexy as hell. He approached me kissed me on the lips and I smiled as I stoked his arm or grabbed his arm for balance either one, my husband is forever taking my breath away

"Hmm though I love seeing you barefoot in our kitchen, and I would rather take you to bed we do need to leave, are you ready"

"Yes I'm ready my shoes are by the door"

There was a huge turn out at the media conference it was a hugh media circus if you ask me. We took to the stage hand in hand, then I let him carry on to the podium, while I stood to the side of him.

"Mr Williams, Mr Williams what are you going to do now?" One voice yelled above the rest of the reporters and they all waited for a response.

"First I going to send my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones yesterday in what I can only describe as one of the worst days in Williams Corporation
Mr John Taylor aged 56 a loving father of 5 his children Tom, Chad, Amber, Tina and Nick
Mr Charleston Louis aged 45 the life of the party according to his wife Serena
Mr Kenneth Able aged 22 his first day on the job
Miss Sharlene Masters aged 25 who loved to dance ballroom
Mrs Gina Giants aged 20 who was due to leave our employment for the army
Mr Frank Lowe aged 42 who was employed with us since he was 18
Mr Chris Beechwood aged 52 who was going to return home to Canada
Mr Boston Bowie aged 65 was due to retire next week
Mrs Virginia Beach aged 45 who loved to sing
Mr Tony Stewart aged 34 was a proud father of two kids Lee and Sally
Mr Vincent George aged 46 who loved his dogs Penny and Peaches
Mr Michael June aged 25 who was due to leave to Bali for sister Laurens wedding.
I have met with all these families and heard story after story of the type of characters these individuals were. And my heart is broken with the news of their loss for their loved ones. I will do everything I can to support all these families. I will also make sure that this does not happen ever again to anymore of my employees and you can rest assured I will not give up I will find whoever is responsible and make them pay for their crime. Thank you that is all"

"Mr Williams Mr Williams " the press were screaming questions after question. But Christian grabbed my hand and we walked off the stage with me.

We walked to our limousine and Charlie drove us away, we were quiet both in our own thoughts we weren't far from home we were approaching a quiet road heading uphill, when I received a text from an anonymous number

'Let the games begin'

'Who is this'

Then I heard a loud bang hit the window one after another but the window didn't break I touched the window but it didn't crack then Christian grabbed me and placed me on the floor of the limousine

"Shit Charlie we're getting shot at, get us the fuck out of here"

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