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Ellas POV

Its been a few weeks since I left my husband in New York to be by my brothers side. Dwayne isn't really coping, well in his mind, and I guess in everyones mind everything was ok. Denise never once expressed how unhappy she was to any of us. He was a zombie in routine, wake up have breakfast with his daughters wish them a good day at school and then he would walk to his bedroom and stay there until he heard his daughters return home. Then he would grace us with his presence. He was hurting and so were we for him. I watched my strong brother go from head strong to completely broken and I didn't know what to do.

It was 10pm I decided I'll go to see if he was okay I knocked on his door
"Can I come in?"

I opened the door to see his curtains were still closed his room was a mess and he was just cuddled up amongst his blankets. I lay down next to him I didn't say a word I just lay there and hugged him. It was 12pm when I watched Derek walk in and lay on his other side looking at the ceiling we both knew we just needed to show Dwayne we were still here for him and in his own time he will talk to us about it. The girls were out for the night at a friends house or a party either one.

We must of fell asleep when at 1am we heard noises coming from downstairs
"Dad! Dad!"
We rush downstairs to see Ava  supporting Olivia by the shoulders I get there and there's a whiff of alcohol coming off Olivia. Oh great shes drunk
"I'm sorry Dad I only left her for a minute and when I returned she was drunk off her face" said Ava
"Its okay baby I'll take care of her"
Dwayne lifted her like she was a feather and took her to his room. He lay her on the bed. He then went downstairs to get something I grabbed a bucket for her to throw up in, just in case she didn't quite make it to the toilet. Derek went to chat with Ava knowing she would probably be blaming herself for her younger sisters actions. Dwayne returned with pills for a headache and a glass of water.
"Dad" whisper Olivia
"Yeah baby, I'm here"
"I'm sorry for getting drunk"
"Baby don't worry your punishment will come when you wake up" he replied while wiping her hair off her face.
Then she started to cry
"Were we not good enough Dad, were we not enough for Mum, did she hate me for being a tomboy Dad?" She cried
"Oh honey we were her everything but she needed more and we couldn't give her that"
"Dad...." she sobbed "I'm sorry"
"Oh baby you have nothing to be sorry about"
"I'm sorry if I'm never enough for you"
"You are my everything you are my heartbeat, you are the reason I breathe every day Olivia you and your sister don't you ever doubt the amount of love I have for you. I will never leave you and I will always always love you, do you understand"
"Dad I love you"
"I love you so much more my baby"
I watched as they both cried in each others arms and I knew as long as they had each other thats all they needed.
"I'm going to be sick"
Then I watched how Dwayne took care of her all night he cleaned his room while she slept and every now and then he would wipe her face with cool cloth. I lingered around to make sure if they needed anything I was there.

It was 3am in the morning and I couldn't sleep I keep thinking about my family. I was looking at my phone and I saw Christians photo of him and I when we were in Monaco pop up on my homescreen I decided to dial his number knowing he was asleep.

Christian leave a message

"Hi baby its 3am in the morning and I know your asleep but I wanted to tell you I love you I miss you especially now with everything happening in my life you have been my constant rock, we have been through thick and thin but you have loved me through this all. I appreciate everything you are to me everything you do for me. And if I don't say it everyday just know I love you honey I love you with my heart and soul. I just wanted to make sure you knew. When you listen to this just know I will give my life for you now and always. I promise you that, well yawn I'm getting tired I'm off to bed now baby, I love you always"

I fell asleep but when I woke I felt a arm drapped over my body hm must be Ava she must of jumped into bed with me but when I rolled over it was Christian
"Hi" he said as he kissed me on the lips
I hugged him like my life depended on it.
"What are you doing here"
"I got you message so I jumped on the jet I just got in an hour ago"
"Oh baby Im so happy your here" I kissed him
"Hmm if you want me to take you now I suggest you stop I'm really tired right now but I could always fulfil your needs baby" he smirked
"Hmm no I just want you to hold me right now"
"Okay sleep baby when I wake we will deal with the rest of the day okay"

By the time we go up it was 5pm, wow I didn't realise how much we slept.
We walked downstairs to laughter, well thats a good sound. We found everyone in the kitchen Dwayne cooking something Derek and Ava sharing stories of drunken stories I  walked in with Christian hand in hand I walked up to Olivia and kissed her on the head
"Hows the head"
"Hm slowly recovering"
"Hi uncle Christian when did you get in?" Ava asked
"This morning"

We spend the day with the family I spent my time right next to Christian. I've missed him.

This is when my life was complicated but bearable. 

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