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Ella POV

It's been weeks since we have moved into our own place, I didn't know where to start with decorating so I needed help from Christians sister Annette she's much younger than Christian and she had been a God send. She's in her middle 20s who has a great eye for decorating she's studying design and architecture. She's still single and living the life, she told me how Christian pays for everything she needs or wants. But she is very independent and hates how Christian spoils her. She is very quiet and a bit of a nerd, she hates attention on herself like myself, we get along so well. She has darkish blond hair with light blue eyes like her brother. Christian had given us his gold card which I refused to use. I used most of my savings money for filling out mansion Thank God Annette was great at bargaining and working on a budget.
Her and Derek have been getting close and it's really good to see them happy.

We were currently sitting on my bed when I heard Christian walk in adjusting his tie but not moving it. He walked up to his sister and placed a kiss on her cheek then he walked up to me
"Hey baby"
He kissed me on the lips
"The place looks great so what have you two brought today"?
"Nothing yet" replied Annette
"Well I'll leave you two to it I've got a lot of work to do so I'll be in my office"
"Ok" I replied disappointed, I haven't seen him much lately I'm either at work or home trying to furnish this mansion. So I look forward to seeing him.
"So, how are things with you and Christian"? asked Annette
"Good" I replied
"Wow that interesting aye"
" What?"
" You two seem like you two are worlds apart right now"
I wasn't sure what was going on with Christian and I, but I just felt like we were living a normal life. We both worked and we made love like any other couple but I guess maybe Annette was right something was a miss lately and I wasn't sure what. We use to have this passion for each other this fire for love. Was it because we didn't have a threat on our life that we were now normal, and this was how normal life was for us two?

After Annette left I was in my room just thinking about things, when I didn't realise the time
"Hey your still up baby?" Christian asked
"Oh yeah, what time is it?"
"It's well after midnight"
"Oh wow I didn't think I  was up that late" I replied
Or maybe I didn't feel like going to bed until I saw him. I watched as he removed his tie then he undone his button to his sleeves.
I watched as he approached me taking off his clothes
"Hey are you alright baby"
" Um yeah I guess"
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know something your sister said made me think are we finally living a normal life, where there is no more threats to our life, we are happy in love, and you have given me the world and more"
" Is that a bad thing"
" No no no not at all, it's just I never thought I would be this happy"
"Aww baby come here"
" I love you too"
But why did it feel like the worst was yet to come

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