Bad day

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Ellas POV

Everyday I was followed and everyday I was scared for my family and their lives. The cryptic rabbit head was just a warning for what I don't know.

I would constantly call my brother Dwayne to talk to him about his and the girls schedule. He hated it but I hate the thought of anything happening to them. I was never worried about Derek because he was always by my side. Christian would always tell me his schedule every morning at breakfast I would always take note of every where he went when he had meetings and appointments. He did the same with my schedule right down to when I would be walking through his office door to collect him to go home.

I was now sitting in his office waiting for him to finish. When there was a knock on the door

"Come in" Christian said

In walked Alex with a parcel. This can't be good the last time he walked in with a parcel it had a rabbit head.
He approached Christian and placed the parcel on his desk
"Sir we have a another one"
"Shit" he walked towards me and held me by the waist
"Okay open it"
Alex did as he said, it was covered with a plastic bag, on the inside it was covered in red blood, there was no real smell until he unwrapped the plastic and then the smell was unbearable. But then the more Alex unwrapped the more the object became more and more detailed. It was a head and when I saw who it was I turned and buried my face in Christian chest and cried. It was Denise my sister inlaw.

"Call Sam get him here and cover it up" Christian directed Alex.

"Yes Sir"

20 mins later Sam had arrived with a few other people, forensics, more cops. He asked us questions about if we knew who sent it.  And many more. Christian was answering all his questions. While I sat on his couch thinking about how she was like my sister at one stage. She was my family till she left us for her new lover Arthur but we all loved her, even after what she done to Dwayne. Omg Dwayne the girls. I stood and looking  around the room,  where is my bag, I kept bumping into people, this office wasnt big enough with all these people in it.
Christian watched me moving around the room
"Baby what are you looking for?"
"My phone I need to ring Dwayne I need to tell him about what we found,  about..... about..." I  couldn't finish that sentence then it would make it real.
"Hey how about I call him for you"
"No no it should come from me"
"Are you sure you will be alright baby?"
I nodded not being sure if I could confidently say yes.
He stared at me he knew I wasn't confident enough to explain this to my brother but he understood that I needed to do this.
"Okay take my phone, and make your call in the foyer for privacy but leave that door open so I have eyes on you" he handed me his phone.

I walked out of his office and left his office door wide open I turned to see him watching me. And his office raided with police officers Alex Sam and forensics. I picked up the phone and dialled Dwaynes number I waited patiently for him to pick up

"Hey Christian whats up?" He sounded chirpy I could hear Ava and Olivia giggling in the background.

"Um Dwayne its me Ella"

"Oh hey sister everything okay"

"Actually no I need you to go somewhere quiet for me"

"Okay hang on, whats going on sis?"

I could hear his footsteps and his breathing. Then I heard a door close

"Whats wrong"

"Okay I need you to sit down"

"Ella just tell me"

"Please sit down for me please"

"Okay I'm sitting down"

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