Chapter Thirteen

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Calum leaned out the doorway and glanced around quickly, making sure that Mr. Shepherd was no where near. “He should be documenting paperwork or something, but let’s just hope he stays there,” he explained and we nodded carefully. When the hall seemed to clear as people filed into various rooms, taking care of business and such before the One Direction boys were done with their concert.

Calum finally turned to us and nodded. “We should be good to go, but as soon as we’re out, we gotta go. We’ll exit the door at the end of the hall, and take the black SUV to the hospital,” he said.

"I can drive," Ashton stated and we agreed before, taking one last glance out the hall, Calum gave us the starting signal.

Calum and Luke lead us forward. We were sandwiched between the four boys to reduce the chance of someone seeing us, and we made it just to the exit door when a loud yell came from down the hall. We turned to see Mr. Shepherd stumbling forward, calling security rapidly. A few walked out the door near us and started jogging forward. Luke thrusted open the door and we made a sprint toward the large SUV. Ashton grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked it while he ran and then we filed in. We didn’t even sit down in the seats, we just got in and shut the door and once all the doors were secure, Ashton then drove away.

Once we were out of the parking lot, we got in our seat belts. Calum sat in the passenger seat, Amanda and I sat in the middle and Luke and Michael were in the back. I turned around in my seat to see Mr. Shepherd yelling at the guards and they clumsily filed into another van.

"We may wanna hurry, or they’ll catch up," I warned Ashton as we drove down the street and he turned down a country road surrounded by shrubbery before branching off onto a main street before merging onto the highway.

"That was really close," Michael said, and we were all still on edge, glancing backward to make sure there was no one following us, but we had surely lost them.

When we got to the hospital, we filed out and walked up to the front desk, explaining what had happened. Amanda and I were lead to a room while the boys were told to go to the waiting room.

Apparently, they wanted to test Amanda to see if she had a concussion, and investigate my cut. We sat on different beds with two different doctors and the screen was pulled so I couldn’t see Amanda. The doctor cleaned my wound thoroughly and told me that I’d need stitches, and asked me if I wanted to be knocked out so I wouldn’t feel the pain. Being the major wimp I am, I told him yes and suddenly a tube was connected to my nose and mouth and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was a few hours earlier. I looked at my thumb and saw the cut all stitched up. I looked over and saw the curtain was pulled back and Amanda was watching the TV hanging on the wall across the room.

"Hey," she stated when she saw I was awake and I smiled sleepily.

"Hi," I said sitting up and stretching my limbs carefully. "So what’s up with you?" I questioned.

"They said no concussion or anything. I just need to stay away from blood," she said, and we both laughed softly. The sounds of our laughter apparently signified our awakening and a doctor walked in to check on us. He asked how we would like to pay.

"Um, credit I guess?" I had no clue what I was talking about, I’d never really gone to a hospital for an injury before. He told me he’d need my ID and credit card and I handed him both. He came back shortly after telling us we were good to go and we walked out to the waiting room.

Calum hugged Amanda tight and I stood there, looking at the other three boys who were like me, standing there awkwardly watching. I turned to them and opened my arms. “Group hug!” I declared with a small laugh and they chuckled, hugging me. We released to look back and Calum and Amanda were still hugging. I poked her side and she jerked back.

"So… what now?" I asked looking at them. When no one responded, I shrugged. "Well it was nice meeting you guys," I said with a little smile and turned when Luke quickly took my arm.

"Wait! I don’t want you to go."

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