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It'd been five months after the incident, four months since Calum and Amanda broke up, and six months since I'd talking to any of the boys directly. Today, things were going to change. For my birthday, my parents had gotten me tickets for 5 Seconds of Summer. Awesome, right? But I figured if I was going to see Luke maybe for the last time, I'd have to do it some time or another.

Amanda was over and we were getting ready. I slid on skinny jeans and a hoodie for the slightly chilly day, Amanda practically wearing the same thing, only with a different hoodie. While Amanda wore her Uggs, I slid on some converse. We finished off before driving to the stadium.

As always, the roads were packed. It was 5 Seconds of Summer's first tour by themselves, rather than supporting One Direction.

Amanda and I finally got to the stadium after a while and we let the security check our purses for threateningly dangerous objects. Of course, they found none in ours and let us enter.

We walked to the pretzel stand, avoiding the Cinnibon from past experiences. and after ten minutes, finally got our snacks. We ate them quickly before heading to the amphitheater.

We pulled out our tickets and they were scanned by people before we walked down the rows from the top of the stadium, going down, down and well down.

Down all the way until we reached the front row.

As the show started, I had plenty of memories from the last show Amanda and I had attended. Only back then, we were farther away. Now we were up close, a metal link fence away from the boys as they boarded the stage, setting up their microphones.

Two songs in, and all I could do was stare up at Luke, while Amanda gazed at Calum. Almost all the way through Heartbreak Girl, Calum had spotted us.

A bright smile erupted on his face as the song ended and while Michael introduced the next song, Calum rushed back to Ashton who sat on the drums. He said something to the drummer, and instantly Ashton beamed and went into a random drum solo, causing me to laugh happily.

Michael and Calum both stared at him, but Luke gazed up into space boredly, a small pout on his lips.

"Luuuuke," Ashton sang from his spot at the drumset. "We've got a little surprise for you." Luke ignored them and went to the mic.

"This is Try Hard," he said, Michael and Calum quickly rushing to their spots at their mics so they wouldn't miss any lyrics in the song.

Halfway through the song during a guitar bit, Calum rushed over to Luke and I read his lips. He said something along the lines of, "let me sing the end part of-" and I didn't catch the rest.

But sure enough, at the end of the chorus before the bridge, instead of singing "That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again," Calum sang,

"Thalia, Thalia, Thalia is here again."

Upon hearing this, Luke's eyes quickly scanned the crowd rapidly, while singing the bridge.

"But now, who knew? She's in the crowd of my show."

Finally, his eyes landed on mine and a warm smile made my heart melt.

"Nothing to lose. She's standing right in the front row. The perfect view, she came along on her own. And there's something that you should know," Luke sang and my heart swelled with anxiety as after the song, the concert quickly came to a close. Amanda and I reached for our backstage passes, walking back there.

Mr. Shepherd saw us and gave us a nasty look. "Explain yourselves before I call security," he said sharply.

"Backstage passes. We're just innocent fans," I stated and he rolled his eyes before strolling away.

The four boys left the dressing room, looking slightly sweaty and a bit tired.

"I didn't see her after the show," I heard Luke say disappointedly. "I went back out, but there was no one left. She's gone."

"Luke," Michael said and pointed at Amanda and I. Luke's smile grew widely and he ran at me. I giggled as he scooped me up in his arms and I hugged him tightly as he swung me around in his arms.

Calum beamed at Amanda and rushed up to her, bringing her into a long kiss.

Luke set me down and I gazed into his eyes. "I love you so much," I said with eyes blurry with tears and Luke beamed, holding me closer to him then before.

"I love you too Thalia. More than you'll ever know," he whispered and I bit my lip.

"I-I was so worried when you were on the news... I didn't know what to do. I almost killed myself," I admitted and rested my forehead against his chest. He kissed the top of my hair.

"Don't you worry about me babe. I just missed you... a lot," he mumbled and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, pressing myself into him.

Someone cleared his throat beside me and I opened my eyes, smiling at Ashton lightly. I let go of Luke for a moment, giving Ash a quick yet pure hug and then hugging Luke again.

"So... will you be my honey?" he asked cheesily and I laughed and nodded lightly.

"Of course," I said softly and kissed him, my eyes fluttering shut and I knew that this boy was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

A/N~ This is the final chapter of The Front Row. Thanks to everyone for their support and tolerance for this story xx






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