Chapter Twenty- Nine

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Weeks went by. I’m not sure how many cartons of chocolate ice cream I’d downed, but it wasn’t enough. Depression kicked me in the gut day after day. It was worse the day after the slip-n-slide event, when Luke subtly liked a ton of my instagram photos, even ones from months before, but up leading to today, the pain had numbed, and each kick felt like a pinch. Luckily, though, Luke’s energy had burnt out. Maybe he’d finally moved on, forgotten about my existence. Good. I would if I were him.

I sat down on the couch in my living room, turning on the TV and reading the head line, “Teenage Boy Left In Hospital After Serious Injury.”

The news reporter, a woman with short black hair, faced the camera in front of what looked like a hospital. “Luke Hemmings, lead singer of new band 5 Seconds of Summer, was found lying on the ground unconscious after taking a twenty five foot fall off his two-story balcony last night. Band member Michael Clifford stated the young boy was ‘leaning over and slipped.’ This is Miranda Wilson, Fox News.”

My stomach flipped and my entire body shook. Tears took over my green eyes and spewed down my cheeks in messy drops. 

"No…" I whimpered to myself. "No."

The front door swung open and Amanda ran inside. She saw me in my state and ran over, hugging me tightly. “It’s okay,” she reassured, holding me tight. “I-I read it on my phone,” she said, her voice wobbling and I knew she was crying too.

My heart loathed to be with Luke now. I wanted to feel his skin pressed to mine, to feel his hands in my heart, his heart beating with mine. Just one last time. “Where are they?” I asked. “What hospital?” my voice shook terribly. 

"I don’t know. Cal won’t pick up the phone, and no one’s saying in order to keep the hospitals uncrowded," Amanda said and hopelessness sank into my bones, seeping deeper and deeper.

There was a moment of silence before Amanda spoke up. “What if he dies?” she whispered and I started to tremble.

"Then… I-I’m going to," I said through sobs. Amanda stared at me and she ran a hand through my hair.

"Thalia… Thalia please, no. Don’t kill yourself babe," Amanda pleaded, and my body rocked back and forth.

"I-I don’t know. I j-just want to be with Luke," I whispered. "I want him safe." 

"Text him," Amanda suggested.

I reached for my phone, but my hand was shaking and I couldn’t even pick it up. Amanda reached over for me and took it, tapping Luke’s contact and looking at me. “What do you wanna say?”

"T-tell him I miss him… a-and…" I stopped and shrugged dumbly. "I don’t even know what to say," I said, sniffling and straightening a bit. "What could I say, ‘hey I didn’t like you, but now that you’re almost dead I do’?" 

"Sure," Amanda said playfully and I rolled my eyes, but there was a small smile on my face. "What do you want me to say?" she questioned again.

I looked at Amanda and swallowed a lump in my throat. “Tell him I love him.”


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