Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I’m on my way?" Ashton said and quickly hung up, throwing back the covers of the make-shift bed and stumbled to slide on a sweatshirt to keep his body safe from the cool night air. Everything was silent except the soft shuffling of his movements and I sat up a little bit more in the bed, causing the springs to clink slightly and Ashton turned to face me in surprise, and our eyes locked for a long time.

"I’m going with you," I insisted and removed the covers from off of my body.

"Okay," he said lightly and I looked over at the two sleeping, and looked back at Ashton in the darkness. "Let’s wake them. If anyone can make Luke feel better, it’s Calum," Ashton said with a little smile and I nodded. I tapped Calum and he moved like a sloth to look up at me with sleepy brown eyes.

"Hello, Ms. Ettinger," Calum said with a dazed voice.

"Calum, this isn’t the time. Luke’s about to do something really stupid, get up," I urged and Calum looked at me with a questioning look before immediately getting the hint, this was no joke. He shook Amanda until she was awake, but every time he told her to get up, she just muttered a weak, ‘I am up,’ and plopped back down. "Just carry her," I said, and Calum pulled back the covers, showing her clothing choice and he carefully sat her up and slid his sweatshirt on her.

I put on my own sweatshirt and with Amanda in Calum’s arms, we followed Ashton to the car. We filed in and immediately got out as soon as we arrived at the hotel. We ran up to the hotel room, Ashton yanking open the door and Michael ran out of the bed room to the left in panic.

"He’s in here!" he said, and we followed him to the room, and walked slowly through the balcony door as to not scare Luke, who was indeed sitting on the thin black railing that kept people from falling off their balconies.

"Luke," Calum said slowly. Luke turned around boredly, the edges of his oceanic blue eyes red from crying. "You don’t want to do this. Come back, trust me."

"Leave me alone," Luke said deeply. Calum took a step forward and Luke got uncomfortable, leaning forward. "I’ll do it…" he said gently and looked down at the ground. "I’ll jump."

"No you won’t," I stated and Luke turned to see me, a hurt look in his eyes. "If you wanted to, you would have done it already," I said and Luke bit down on his lip. "Luke, come back, please," I begged.

"Why does it matter to you? I’m nothing but a piece of trash."

"What you did was trashy, Luke. Not you. You’re a great person, please, just come back on this side of the railing."

Luke looked at me and let out a gentle sigh. “Alright,” he grumbled and carefully swung one leg over, turning slightly and reaching for the railing.

But he missed.

He let out a startled cry as he fell backwards off the railing.



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