Dean Winchester (Love imagine)

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-You get hurt on a hunt-  -Age 21-

"Y/N, You ready!" You heard your boyfriend Dean shout. You were trying to find your sneakers, the more comfortable ones. "Just a minute! I can't find my comfy shoes!" You shout back. Dean and Sam had told you about what they do about two weeks ago. You and Dean have been dating for almost a year. "The black ones?" He asked. "Yeah!" You said running into the library of the bunker. "You've seen them?" You asked. He raised an eyebrow and pointed next to the entrance of the library. "Oh." You blushed and put them on as Dean chuckled at you. Just as you were tying your shoes, Sam walked in. "Are we ready?" Sam asked. Dean looked at you, "I don't know. Y/N, Are we ready?" He asked. Dean was always inpatient. You looked at him and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be. " You said giving him a smile. "Alright. I want you to stay close to me. Don't go wandering off alone, werewolves know how to be very sneaky." Dean said. You nodded your head and he gave you a slight smile. He knew you were a hunter, but he still worries about you getting hurt. He was afraid of losing someone else, especially you. "Alright, let's go" Sam said, leading the way to the exit of the bunker. Once you three got to the impala, Dean got into the driver's seat while you and Sam looked at each other. Both of you narrowed eyes at each other. You both raised up your hands in the 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' stance. You played the quick game and won earning a groan from Sam. "Yes! Shotgun!" You shouted as you entered the impala. Dean started it up and started driving towards the woods. "So where exactly is the nest?" You asked. "About five miles into the woods." Dean said. He looked at you, " Why, you scared? " He teased. You slightly elbow him. "Hush" You said. He chuckled then looked back at the road. "Alright, parking here. We'll have to walk the rest of the way. " He said. He looked at you "Stay alert. And remember, stay close" He said. "Yes father, I heard you 400th time you said this" You said jokingly. You all got out of the car and started hiking into the woods. You listened closely to your surroundings. Unfortunately, you weren't paying attention and ended up going in the opposite direction of Sam and Dean. "Shit. " You mumbled under your breath. You quickly pulled out your gun to have that ready just in case. Out of nowhere, a werewolf came up and knocked you down from behind and kicked the gun out of your hand. "You'll be a great snack" He said as he barred his teeth. You let out a whimper. You kicked his leg and knocked him down. You started crawling toward your gun but he grabbed your leg and pulled you away from it. You screamed out in pain as he bit down on your leg. You kicked his head with your other leg and pulled yourself up toward your gun. Quickly you grabbed it and shot the werewolf directly in the head. You were heavily breathing. You sat up wincing from the pain. You brought your shaky hands to your face and attempted to catch your breath. "Y/N!" You heard Dean call. You felt arms around you, very carefully lifting you up bridal style. You looked up at Dean, his face with worry. "I told you not to wander off!" He yelled. You flinched as his voice îy louder. He frowned. He got you back to his impala and opened up the passenger's door. He sat you down and held your wounded leg carefully in his hands. "Sam! First aid kit now!" Dean yelled toward Sam. Sam quickly grabbed the kit and rushed over. "I'll hold her leg. You clean the wound" Sam said. Dean wasted no time pulling the alcohol along with some gauze and an ace wrap. He looked at you, "Gonna hurt like a bitch, squeeze my shoulder and try to keep your leg still." He said and you nodded. You placed your hands on his shoulder and braced yourself. He poured some of the alcohol onto your leg, causing you to scream out in pain. You had a death grip on Dean's shoulders. You bit down on your lip hard and he placed the gauze on and wrapped the ace bandage around your leg. Sam let go of your leg and looked at Dean. "Take her back to the bunker, I'll handle the werewolves." Sam said. "Hell no. I won't let you go in there alone. That's not how it works Sam." Dean said. "I can stay in the car..I'll be okay. " You said and Dean looked at you. "Are you sure?" He asked. You nodded and gave him a smile. "I'm sure" You said. He sucked in a breath "Alright, fine. Please don't leave this car" He said in a serious yet caring tone. "I don't have a choice" You sassed. He lightly chuckled. He leaned down and lightly placed a hand on your cheek and placed a sweet kiss on your lips. "I'll be fast. I love you" He said, pulling away. You blushed and looked at him kinda shocked. It was the first time it was said and he said it first.  "I love you too." You managed to say. He gave you another quick kiss and ran back towards the nest with Sam. You sat there with a smile on your face, which was as red as a rose.

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