Supernatural (Love imagine)

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~Aged 20~               ~You guys fight ~

Dean: "Y/N, you were flirting with the guy!" Dean screamed at you. You glared at him. You two had just gotten home from the bar and he was extremely jealous. You had a simple and short conversation with another guy over a damned gun. "I wasn't flirting Dean. I was just having a conversation!" You shouted back. You were very angry at the fact he believes you were flirting. "I saw the way you were looking at each other! You two were mentally undressing each other!" Dean. "Why do you always do this to me? Every time we go out and I even make eye contact with another guy I'm suddenly flirting.! I'm so friggin' sick of it Dean!" "Well if you're so sick of it then go! Go be a slut somewhere else!" He screamed at you. He was literally in your face and when he realized what he had said his face fell. "Babe, I-" "Save it Dean." You said cutting him off. Your voice broke and was barely a whisper. Tears were pricking in your eyes. "I'm done, I'm done with this. I'm leaving" You said. Without another word you grabbed your jacket, threw it on and left with tears falling from your eyes.

Sam: "Why can't you listen to me Y/N?! Do you realize you could've gotten hurt?!" He yelled. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "Sam. I'm not a baby and you know that, I know you two needed help so I came to help!" You said. Sam and Dean were on a hunt that you knew would be too much for them to handle on their own. So you followed behind. Sam didn't want you to do that so he was upset with you and you were tired of him locking you up at the bunker. You knew you could help. "You could've gotten hurt! Do you realize how I'd be if I've lost you?!" He shouted. You just huffed not wanting to fight with him. "Why do you have to be so stupid and do stupid things like this?!" He raised his voice louder. You looked up at him with a hurt expression. "Is that what you think? You seriously think I'm stupid?" You said. Tears began to fall. "No..I meant what you do is stupid" He said. "So I guess loving you was stupid." You said a lot harsher than you meant. He looked at you his expression now hurt and angry. "Seriously?" He said. You two looked at each other for a moment. "You know what? Just go. " He said. "Okay. I'm too stupid to be your wife anyway." You said. You yanked the wedding band off of your finger and dropped it on the ground. "Bye Sam." You said. You left without another word.

Castiel: "Cas, you seriously forgot what today is?" Sam asked. You were listening intently outside of the library of the bunker. Today was your birthday and you were excited to celebrate with Castiel. "Was today suppose to be important?" You heard Castiel ask. Your face fell and you had to force the tears back. "Cas! Today's Cheyenne's birthday and you forgot?!" Dean asked, raising his voice. You popped into the library looking at Cas. He looked up at you and immediately sensed that you were upset. "You heard everything.." He stated. You just looked at him then walked back out of the library ignoring his calls after you. "Why is celebrating a birthday more important to you than being with me?" Cas said. That statement made you freeze and you turned around. "You being an angel should know why birthday's are important to humans. And you being my boyfriend should know how important they are to me!" You shouted. Tears were now spilling from your eyes. You were shocked he had the nerve to say that to you. You looked at Cas and you could tell realization of what he had just said had hit him. "I-I'm sorry angel I di-" You took a shaky breath and cut him off "Go away Cas. Go away from me." You said dangerously calm. "Angel, I-" "GO!" You screamed cutting him off once more. He disappeared and you dropped to your knees and sobbed into your hands. Sam and Dean both got up to comfort you but you pushed them away. You went back to your room and locked yourself in it. 

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