Winchester (BSM)

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~Age 17~   ~You start smoking again/self harm~ 

"I told you to stay back at the bunker Y/N!" Sam shouted. "You could've gotten killed." Dean said. You looked to your feet then back up at them. "I'm sorry! I just thought you needed help." You said quietly. They both huffed and Sam opened the passenger side door. "Next time, listen to me when I say stay at the bunker. Get in." Sam said. You looked at him and then shook your head. "I'll sit in the back seat" You said shyly. "Oh no. You're sitting in the front with Dean." Sam said coldly. You frowned then climbed into the front seat of the car. Dean and Sam got in and Dean started up the car. "Could we stop somewhere? I need to use the bathroom" You said. Dean looked at you then rolled his eyes. "Can't it wait?" He asked and you shook your head. He huffed then drove to the nearest gas station. "She needs some gas anyway" Dean said as he pulled next to a pump. "Hurry up Y/N" Sam said. You looked at him and gave him a slight nod then hurried to the bathroom. You locked the door once in and pulled out your pack of cigarettes. Tears began falling from your eyes. You quickly put the cigarette to your mouth and lit it and took a long drag from it. You sighed calmly as the nicotine settled into your system. You haven't smoked in over a year and things got worse. It all started when Dean turned into a Demon which was a month ago. He said something's that really hurt you and he threw you into wall.  You began smoking again. Dean has been since become human again but the scar from his words are still there. You began self-harming as well. Nothing was helping you. You finished off the cigarette and flicked it then splashed water into your face. You then popped a mint into your mouth then sprayed some perfume. You looked into the mirror and saw Gabriel standing behind you. You jumped and gasped then turned around. "What the hell Gabriel! Why must you do that?! Jesus you and Cas do that." He looked at you and the look on his face was a mix of all sorts of emotions. Anger, sadness, concern and confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Anything to keep me from jumping in front of a moving car." You said. He sighed. "This isn't safe for you. And I'm not gonna tell Sam and Dean but they'll find out. Your best bet is to stop all of this.." He said. "I can't.." You tried saying but it came out as a whisper. "I know at the moment it's hard for you to talk to Dean but why not talk to Sam?" He asked. You shrugged your shoulders. He sighed and looked at you. "Cas wants you to stop..if you don't he'll be sure they find out..and neither of us don't want it to have to be like that." He said. You could tell he was genuinely concerned but you couldn't stop. You gave him a look of 'I'm sorry' then walked out of the bathroom and hopped into the impala. "What took so long?" Dean asked. You just looked at him then looked away and looked out of the window. He sighed and began driving away. "What's that smell?" Sam asked. You heard him sniffing the air and crossed your fingers hoping he wouldn't realize what the smell was. "Could be from the salt and burn" Dean said. You let go of the breath you were holding and you felt eyes on you. "You alright?" Sam asked. You nodded. "I'm fine" You said. "You sure?" You looked at him and saw the concern all over his face. You just nodded. He nodded and dropped the subject.

~Few hours later~

"Dean, have you heard anything from Cas?" You heard Sam ask. You were on the couch reading a book. "Dean?" Sam asked again. You looked up from your book and looked at Dean who was focused on what seemed like your arms. "Dean!" Sam said again and Dean jumped and looked at Sam "What?" He asked. You ignored the rest of that conversation and left the library to go to your room. You looked down at your arms and saw that all of the cuts on your arms were very noticeable. You slightly panicked and quickly ran into the bathroom with your make up. "It's time to tell your brothers Y/N." You heard a voice say. You jumped and turned to face Castiel. "Stop doing that!" You said taking in a breath. He tilted his head narrowed his eyes. "The first time I was upset but not angry but this time I'm angry and upset." He said. "I thought Angels couldn't feel" You said. You began to pull out your make up to cover up each cut on your arms. You looked up in the mirror at Cas to see his expression. It was a mix of anger and heart break and it caused you to frown deeply. "You have an hour to tell your brothers, if you don't Gabriel and I will see to it that they find out." He said. He then vanished. You sighed and let the tears fall from your eyes. 'How am I suppose to tell them anything when they haven't had the time to listen to me?' You thought to yourself. You finished covering up the cuts on your arm and left the bathroom and walked back into your bedroom. You laid down in bed and closed your eyes. Ten minutes later there's a knock at your bedroom door. You sat up and let out a yawn. "Yeah?" You asked. "Can we talk for a minute?" Sam asked. "Sure..just come in" You said. Sam walked in and closed the door behind him. "Are you okay?" He asked. You looked at him with an expression of mixed emotions. "I'm fine." You said. Sam sat down next to you and opened his arms to which you cuddled into. "I know you're not okay and I know Dean and I haven't been paying attention nor giving time for you" He said. "With Lucifer still gone and all of trying to figure out how to get him back into his cage it takes all of our time away and I'm sorry we've let that happen." He finished. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes as guilt began to settle in. He looked down at you. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?" He asked. "No..I swear I'm okay" You said. He slightly nods. "Well alright, I'm always here if you need to chat. Get some sleep, we have a salt and burn planned for tomorrow" He said. He then left the room and you fell right to sleep.

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