Castiel (Simple love imagine)

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-First Kiss-   -Age 20-

You looked in the mirror one last time to make sure you looked nice. You and your boyfriend, Castiel, were going on a picnic. You didn't understand why the picnic was planned for 5 pm but you didn't care, as long as you were with Cass. You went over you hair with the straightener once more to be sure you didn't miss any curls. Once satisfied with how looked, you walked out of your bedroom and down the stairs and waited. After a few minutes there was a quiet knock on the door. You squealed quietly and quickly went to open the door. "Cass!" You said with a smile. He smiled at you "Hello Angel" He said sweetly. He had his hand behind his back, you could tell he was hiding something. "Whatcha got there?" You asked curiously. "I found this on my walk here. When I saw it I thought of you, it's beautiful but not as beautiful as you" He said, as he handed you a single rose that he had hid behind his back. Your cheeks became almost as red as the rose. You smiled at him and took the rose from him. "Thanks Cass, you're so sweet." You said. He smiled at you then took your hand in his, "Shall we go?" He asked. You nodded and let him lead the way. You two soon came to a giant field of all sorts of flowers. He led you over to the middle of the field where a picnic blanket and basket was set up. "Wow Cass, this place is beautiful. How on earth did you find this?" You asked, admiring all of the flowers. "I came across this field on a simple walk. I wanted to share it with you." He said. You smiled at him then sat down and looked up at the sky. "Hey! The sun is setting" You said. "That was the point" He said, sitting down next to you. "I remember you telling me about two weeks ago that you've always wanted to watch the sunset with someone special, so o brought you out here to watch it with me" He said as he carefully brought you closer to him. You couldn't hide your smile. You snuggled close to him and gazed at the sky. "Y/N?" He said. You looked at him. "Yes Cass?" You asked. Without another word or hesitation, he cupped your cheek gently with one hand and placed a soft kiss to your lips. The electricity you felt was unbelievable, your heart was pounding as you kissed back, cupping his face with your hand too. He pulled back from the kiss and smiled warmly at you. Your face, again was as red as the rose he gave you. You couldn't stop smiling. You laid your head on his shoulder as he held you tight in his arms. Once the sun set and the sky darkened, he helped you up off the the picnic blanket. "Thank you" He said softly with a smile. You slightly tilt your head "For what?" You asked. "Being mine" He simply said. You smiled at him and gave him a hug. He walked you back home, before you walked back inside, he pulled you into a another sweet kiss.

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