Dean Winchester DDM

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~Age 15~  ~You sneak out to hunt~

It's around midnight and You, Sam and Dean are all sitting in the library of the bunker. "Dad?" You said. Your dad looks up from the book he's reading to look at you. "Could we go on a hunt? I really want to be able to hunt" You asked. "No" He said simply. "But dad! You said I was ready!" You complained and he gave you a look. "I said I was ready to teach you to hunt and before you get the the actual hunt you need to hit the books and need to learn how to use a gun. Considering you haven't picked up a book yet" He said. You huffed and crossed your arms. "Dad come on! Why can't you teach me all of it while on a hunt!" You said, your voice raising. Your dad's face begins to show signs of anger. "Y/N, do not raise your voice at me. You're not even close to ready to go on a hunt right now. End of discussion" He said. You stood up and stomped off to your room. You sat down on your bed and looked out of the window. You saw something in the distance, it was in the trees and suddenly you heard a faint howl. You smirked knowing it was a werewolf. "Perfect. Something to hunt" You quickly got up and changed into something warmer and darker. You rummaged through your closet and pulled out a gun and three silver bullets that you had taken without your dad's permission. You smiled realizing you're finally able to use it. You poked your head out of your bedroom and wait a few seconds to make sure no one is coming. You then quickly and quietly open the window and jump out. You closed the window and ran off into the woods on your own. You quickly searched your pocket to find a flashlight. "Shit" You mumbled. You walked quietly through the woods without a flashlight. Ten minutes go by and you soon hear twigs snapping and breaking behind which his followed by heavy breathing and a growl. You turn around and there's the werewolf you had seen from the window. "You'll be a tasty meal" The werewolf said baring his teeth at you. You step back away from him as he steps towards you. And it was at this moment you realized you should've listened to your dad. You shut your eyes as tight as possible preparing for the worst and then you hear a gun shoot off and the wolf howl in pain. You slowly open your eyes and the werewolf is on the ground. You look up and there stood your Uncle Sam with a very worries yet angry and disappointed look on his face. "Are you alright?" He asked. He rushed over to you and checked for any injuries. "I'm fine..just scared" You said. "You think you're scared now? Just wait until we get back and you have to explain to your dad that you just snuck out to do something incredibly dangerous" He said. "Can we not tell him?" You asked with a gleam of hope in your eyes. He chuckled. "Darling, it's not gonna work out that way. I'm gonna walk back into the bunker with you and the last place he saw you go was your bedroom" He said. You look to the ground then back to him. "Well, better start planning my funeral" You said almost completely serious. Sam just chuckles and threw his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead. The both of you then walked back into bunker to face your father.

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