Supernatural DDM

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~Aged 4 (in each scenario) ~  ~You want attention ~


You sat on the floor in the 'meeting' room of the bunker. Your dad and Uncles Sam and Cad were all talking about a possible lead on Lucifer's whereabouts. They've been talking nonstop for a good hour and a half. You stood up to your feet and walked over to your dad and tugged on the leg of his pants. He looked down at you and smiled slightly. "What's wrong Princess?" He asked. "I'm bored daddy" You said with a pout. "Well then go play with your dolls baby girl" He simply said. He went back into conversation and you an unhappy noise and pouted back to the area you were before. You crossed your arms and looked around for anything that could entertain you. You stumbled your way into the kitchen and looked around in there. "Pie." You said to yourself. You decided you would try to make a pie, You figured you could try considering you've seen your uncle Sam make a homemade pie like a billon times. You put on a think face then looked for a giant silver bowl. After you found it you got out the flour, Sugar and anything else you could find. You poured some flour into the bowl a little too quickly causing it to spill everywhere. You giggled to yourself and left the bowl and decided to play with the flour again. You soon had the kitchen and yourself head to toe, covered in flour. You let out another giggle then ran into your room. You suddenly became bored again and then groaned. You let out a sigh and laid down on your bed. I wish Gabriel was here, I'm never bored when he's around. You thought to yourself. Just seconds after you thought that, you heard a familiar flap of wings then sat up and there stood Gabriel. "You ca- You're covered in floured little sweet." He said followed by a chuckle. You smiled and jumped down off of your bed and went to hug him. He chucked and backed away. "You need to get cleaned up little sweet." He said. He took your hand and was met with the disastrous mess of the kitchen and he full on started to laugh. Seconds later, your dad and Uncles Sam and Cas ran in all three of them holding a weapon. "Gabriel!" Dean yelled. "What the hell did you do?!" He asked. His face became angry and then he looked at you. "Ask your child. I came because she called for me." Gabriel said. "Y/N? Did you get into the flour and dump it everywhere?" He asked you. He squatted down so he was eye level with you. You stepped back then nodded. "I was bored.." You said as you looked down at your feet. "I told you to play with your toys not the flour." Dean said slightly angered. "I'm sorry daddy.." You said. You give him the puppy dog eyes like Uncle Sam does and he just sighs then looks at you uncle Sam. "Again. That look. That's your fault." Dean said lifting you into his arms. Your Uncle Sam chuckles then looks at you. "Maybe we should worry about Lucifer later. Y/N could use some attention" He said. "You guys haven't been giving her that for days. I have." Gabriel piped in. He took a sucker from his pocket unwrapped it and then popped it into your mouth. "There ya go. Call me again if you need me" He said messing up your hair and then vanishing. You look up at your dad who was rolling his eyes. He looked down at you. "Wanna watch a movie Princess?" He asked. "Moana?!" You shouted. Dean let out a sound of annoyance. "You've watched that like 50 times yesterday" He said. You once again gave him the puppy dog eyes and he looked at Sam with a bitch face and then walked into the living area of the bunker. "Come on you two. If I have to watch it another 50 times, you guys can join." Dean yelled as he turned on the movie for you.


"Y/N, please get down from the bookshelf." You heard your dad say sternly. You looked at him and he hasn't even looked away from the book his eyes were glued into. You pouted but got down off of the shelf anyway. You walked over to him and looked up. "Daddy, I'm bored." You said. "We'll go to the park in a little bit. I'm sorta busy at the moment darling." He said. You sighed then walked into the kitchen where your Uncle Dean was chowing down on a pie. "Uncle Dee? Can I have some pie?" You asked. He looked at you and shook his head. "Your dad doesn't want you having any sugar before lunch." He said. "But Uncle Dee!" You shouted. "Y/N! He said no." You heard you father should from the library. You crossed your arms and pouted. Your Uncle stood up to put the pie back in the fridge then lifted you up. "Your Dad and I are a little busy right now, why don't you go call Cas. He might take you to that field of flowers." Your Uncle Dean said. You pouted again as he put you down. You walked into your bedroom and slammed the door closed. A thought came to your mind and you squeezed your eyes shut as you prayed and then you opened them again. "Y/N Winchester, why are you calling me?" Lucifer asked. You looked up at him and smiled. "Play?" You asked. "You're not at all scared of me are you?" He said and you giggled. "No, why should I be?" You asked. He closed his eyes and shook his head then sighed. "Alright. Fine, what do you wanna do kid?" He asked. You smiled at made grabby hands at him and he lifted you up while rolling his eyes. "Could you bring me to the park?" You asked. He huffed but suddenly you and him were at the park.

Castiel's POV

"Y/N called for Lucifer. I think he has her right now" I said appearing behind Sam and Dean. Sam shot up and ran to her room. He came running back in. "Find her. Please Cas. Find her." He shouted. I slightly glared at him. "She wouldn't of called upon Lucifer if you given her some form of attention." I said. Sam's face fell and as did Dean's. I vanished away from then and appeared at a park. "Castiel, oh no. I'm in trouble" He said in a sarcastic tone. "Where's Y/N? Did you hurt her?!" I shouted at him. "No, she's over on the swing" He simply as he pointed a finger over at you swinging and giggling. "I never thought I would like kids." He said. I looked at him and he was smiling. He then looked at me, "Well bye!" He said. He disappear and I walked over to Y/N. "We have to back home. Your father and Uncle are worried." I said. She frowned but got off of the swing. "I don't wanna go home now.." She said sadly. I sighed and picked her up and disappeared from the park and appeared in front of Sam and Dean. "Y/N!" Sam yelled quickly snatching her from my arms. "Are you alright? Did Lucifer hurt you?!" He asked. She shook her head. "He took me to the park and watched me swing!" She said gleefully. They looked at her for a moment. "Lucifer? He brought you to a park?" Dean said. She nodded. They both sighed and dropped the subject. "Let's go get something to eat" Dean said. "Can Lucifer come?" She asked. "No." The three of us all said in unison. She pouted the whole car ride after that.


"Dee? Where's my daddy?" You asked Dean. "I don't know. Probably up in Heaven somewhere working on something. " He said. "Will you play with me?" You asked. "I'm working on finding a case right now, go ask Sam if he will." He said. "But I want you to play with me" You said and he sighed. "Kid, I'm busy. Go bug Sam" He said again with slight annoyance. You frowned but went to go find Sam. He was in the kitchen eating a salad. "Sammy? Will you please give me some attention?" You pouted. He looked at you and then lifted you up on to his lap. "Are you getting bored?" He asked. You nodded. "Well let me finish my lunch and we can watch a movie" He said. "But that'll take forever" You pouted once more. "I miss my daddy.." You said "Have you tried calling for him?" He asked and you shook your head. "Well try, he might not be that busy" Sam said. You shut your eyes and called for your dad in your head and seconds later there was the sound of flapping wings he appeared in front of you and Sam. "What's wrong bumblebee?" He asked. "I miss you.." You said. "No one giving you attention?" He asked. "Sammy was but I still missed you" You said and he sighed. "Wanna go see the flowers?" He asked and your face lit up. "Yes!" You squealed with glee. He chuckled at you then lifted you up and vanished into the the clearing of the flowers.

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