Louis Tomlinson BSM

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-You commit suicide-    -Age 17- 

**Warning: This chapter will contain possible triggers such as ; Depression, Bullying, self-harm and suicide**

You sat on your bed, crying. You couldn't stop yourself from reading all of the horrible things people were saying about you, you didn't understand it. What could you of possibly done to piss everyone off? You threw your phone and it broke as it collided with the wall. 'Why? Why am I so useless? So worthless' You though to yourself as you locked yourself in your bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror and you couldn't even recognize the person staring back at you. Your sobs were becoming harder and louder. 'No one will miss me' You thought as you opened up the medicine cabinet and grabbed your tiny box that held your razor blade. You've dealt with depression for 3 years. Every day it gets worse. Louis, your brother he tried to help but it made matters worse when he tried to stop the hateful words being sent to you. You pressed the razor harshly to your skin, the cut was deep. Blood was dripping from your arm as you continued to cut each area of your arm The pain was no longer helping, it wasn't enough. You couldn't take it anymore. You looked at the bottle of sleeping pills in the cabinet. You grabbed it. 'I don't deserve to live' You thought. You went back into your bedroom. The sobs becoming harder. You picked up the landline phone and dialed Louis' number. It went straight to voicemail. You sobbed harder, "Louis..I love you, but I can't handle it anymore" You choked out. You hung up and opened up the bottle of pills and poured them out into your hand. "Goodbye" You said as you swallowed all of the pills. It only took a few minutes, darkness took over you and you were gone.

Louis' POV

He just finished up his photoshoot with the boys. "Louis, you should go get Y/N. We could all go get dinner" Harry suggested. He smiled, "I think she'd love that" He said. He looked down at his phone and saw that he had a missed call from you along with a voicemail. "She called me about 10 minutes ago." He said. He clicked on the voicemail and played loud so the other boys could hear it. Their faces dropped when they heard your sobs. "Louis.. I love you but I can't handle it anymore!" They heard you choke out. Louis dropped his phone and ran out to his car. He wasted no time started it up and speeding to the house. "Y/N!" Louis screamed as he ran into the house. He thought the worst when he got no reply. He ran up the stairs and into your room. The sight of you broke him. "Y/N.." He began to sob. He rushed to your side and pulled you into his arms, carefully shoving his fingers down your throat to get you to throw up the pills. When nothing came up, he sobbed harder knowing he was too late.

**A few weeks later**

It was your funeral and Louis was an absolute mess. Actually, all of the boys were. Everyone was giving their speeches, saying their last words and sharing old memories of you. Louis couldn't hold it in. The tears were streaming from his eyes. He walked up to your casket and peered down at you. "I should've paid more attention, maybe I could've prevented this if I had known you called.." He sobbed out. Harry wrapped his arm around Louis. "Lou..it's not your fault" Harry said. But for the rest of his life, Louis blamed himself.

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