Chapter 4 - Santa's Helper

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Melina was a big help to me in settling in,even though I was positioned on the floor beneath Mr. Asshole, I mean he does fit the description and by the looks of it we aren't getting along anytime soon or maybe in the next never.

But right now I had more important stuff to do like sorting out these financial statements and also review my boss' schedule........... I'm just gonna call him Mr. A for asshole. Now seated I got to work.

(Picture of Scarlett's office above)

Time flew by quickly and before I knew it, it was lunch time. Since I had a big breakfast I might as well go for something light so I settled with the cafe where I met Lacardi, speaking of which.......... Strange that he didn't call since typical guys would jump at the opportunity but who cares I had no time to socialize or anything, as I said before I had an aim which I intend to achieve.

And speaking of socialising I needed to call Chelsea because after last night on the phone I couldn't afford to lose her like this......... Or by anything else but right now she needed a friend and that's what I'm here for.

Knock knock

"Come in" I said, the door opened and Melina came in "Hey whats up"

"Mr. Smith wants you in his office now........ And he's not in the best of moods right now so....... You've been warned" she said laughing.

"I think I can handle anything he throws at me" I said confidently......... I mean I could right

"I should probably get back to that intern at the front desk" she said rushing out "catch you later, maybe we can get some ice cream"

"Yea I could use some cookie 'n' cream" I said smiling "I should probably go up to the dragon's lair"


"Come in" he sounded in response as soon as i knocked, this time around I ensured that I heard an answer before entering, wouldn't want to walk in on an episode of "Office Kink featuring Asshole #1"

"You wanted to see me" I noticed that his back was towards me as he gazed at the city, he seemed deep in thought and in a way I felt the urge to say something but kept my mouth shut.

Maybe I should come back.......

"Stay" he said after seconds of silence still not facing me

"I called you here to discuss a few details before the meeting tomorrow........ I assume you already got the list of expected attendees............ Have a seat because we have a lot to discuss"

Without a word I took the seat opposite from his desk expecting him to turn around but instead he remained standing and began talking.

(30 minutes later)

"Crystal clear boss" I said with a light trace of sarcasm easing myself off the chair "And ill be here at 7 sharp......... I better get back to my office" I said but the only response i got was a nod.

As i was about to open the door "Wait........ Can i ask you a question?" He said and i noticed his fingers were clenched into a fist.

"You just did.......... Yea sure what is" I asked

He turned to face me for the first time since I've been in here. His expression caused me to frown, he looked like someone who had the world on their shoulders......... He looked sad, lost even.

"How do you get over.......... You know what never mind,you should probably go......... I will see you tomorrow bright and early............. Now if you'll excuse me" he said coldly and once again turned his face away from me as if all his problems would disappear........... I guess we all are a little fucked up.

What was he going to ask me......... The thought kept tugging at my mind.

There were a 100 possibilities.......

How do you get over the one you still love?
How do you get over the fact that your a sick bastard?
How do you get over grief ?

But whatever was up with him was tearing him apart and now i cant stop thinking about him....... What i mean is........... I cant stop thinking about how troubled he look, as if something was tearing him apart.

Maybe its a break u.......... Before I could finish that thought I slammed into a tall figure.

If it wasn't for this stranger my ass would probably kissing the ground.

"I'm so sorry" we said at the same time.

"No its my" well isn't this funny. Blinking twice i took a look at the person i bumped into and damn I could do it again all day.

 Blinking twice i took a look at the person i bumped into and damn I could do it again all day

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He had unruly and smooth light brown hair, green eyes, pink lips and thick dark eyebrows. He wore a black long sleeve shirt and imprinted on the front was "Santa's helper" and I couldn't help but laugh, to match it he had on a dark blue pants and black combat boots. He was HOT!

I mean what was it with me and hot guys since lately........... I mean look at lacardi and even my asshole of a boss.

"Whats so funny" he asked clearly confused as to why I was laughing.

"I was really looking forward to. Christmas. but. I guess I'm on Santa's. bad list. now aren't I" I said between giggles.

He looked down at his shirt and instead of being embarrassed he smirked "You could always do a good deed and who knows I could put in a word or two for you' he winked to bring across his point and then we both laughed.

"Your new here right? I've never seen you around before."

"Yea this is actually my first day" I said.

"I hope my brother didn't give you any trouble" he said, to say i was shock would be an understatement........... I mean they both are hot but I don't see the resemblance.

"Step brother"he said "Jason Castro and you are"

"Scarlett Winters" And suddenly the colour from his face drained and he looked as if he was about to faint.

"S-scarlett" he said shaking his head as if I spoke some unknown language.

Just then I heard approaching footsteps"brother i see you've met Scarlett"


Well here it is people as they say the past has a funny way of catching up to the future but just one problem

It sucks when you don't remember your past.

Thank you for reading............ And chapter 5 will be up soon...
.. I wonder what will happen next

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