Chapter 14

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Well chapter 13 was something😂😂😂......... I hoped you enjoyed it as well as I hope you will enjoy chapter 14........

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"Scarl....... Scarlett" A voice said and Dyson rolled off me instantly as we both turned and met the flaring eyes of Jason.

Oh shit

Before I could say anything Jason lunged after Dyson and all hell broke loose.

"What is going on......." Someone pleaseeeeee tell me this is a dream as I stared at a naked Chelsea.

So you may be asking what the hell is going on here well the answer is pretty simple..... I have no idea.

I saw Jason throwing repeated punches at Dyson who even his drunken state manage to dodge some and at the same moment he lost his balance giving Jason the upper hand but Dyson saw the blow and flipped them over so he was on top of Jason.

"STOP!...... Jason!...... Dyson!" I screamed at both of them but they both ignored me.

I looked around for something and saw a nearby lamp..... Without hesitation I slammed it into Jason's head causing him to go limp...... SHIT!

"Are you crazy...... Look what you did....... You stupid bitch" And that's when I remembered Chelsea "how dare you come into my home and hurt my man!!!..... How dare you" And that's when I felt a hard sting on my left cheek..... Oh you have no idea what you got yourself into......

I didn't care if I looked like Tarzan right now..... But she wasn't going to get off this easy.......

I heard a grunt behind me but I was too preoccupied to know whether it was Jason or Dyson.

"Wake up" A voice persisted nudging me in the side but my eyes were determined not to give in.......

The person stopped and I internally smiled at my victory.

A loud bang echoed through my ears and I got up ready to kill whoever it was.

Looking around I saw Dyson standing about 2 inches away from my face and that's when I realised he was...... Oh God!

Was I dreaming?

"Put on some clothes man!" I said closing my eyes and prayed my cheeks didn't betray what my eyes hid.

"Pretty hypocritical of you isn't it when your in no better position right now....... Or are you having a slight concussion?"

Wait What!

Lifting the sheets I realised I was......

"I regret it as much as you do" He said walking away and my jaw became acquainted with the floor.

We had SEX! 

I closed my eyes as I felt tears flowing down my cheek as I tried to determine what was a dream last night and what part or parts were real.


Okay maybe this didn't exactly go as planned...... Here I am sitting in the living room with three empty bottles on the floor, cards and our clothes.

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