Chapter 13 - Drunken kisses

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Chapter 13 is here people and I'm as excited to write it as I'm guessing you are to read it. So buckle your seat belts its about to get bumpy.

Thanks for reading and as I always say......

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Please note this chapter doesn't have one set p.o.v


Dyson's P.O.V

I saw the distress on her face as the officer spoke to her and I felt this overwhelming urge to go over there and....... There I go again! 

"Ma'am are you okay??" He asked and she barely shook her head, I mean can you blame her "My men are still trying to find out the exact cause....... Do you have any relative you can stay with or friends" he asked 

"I'll uh, I'll stay at a hotel or......"

"She's staying with me" the words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them and I mentally slapped myself....... Was I drunk again, I have a "fiancée" for Pete's sake and here I am wanting this woman in ways I shouldn't. She stared at me with a blank expression and I cringed.

The officer looked at me as if he was in deep thoughts then recognition spread across his face and he walked away leaving me with the devil.

"I don't need your help" she said beneath her breath not realising I heard.

"We should probably leave now" I said ignoring her previous comment because I may say something that I'll regret later. I saw hesitation flash in her eyes and then she glanced at her house once more and took a step closer towards me "They'll call us if they find any leads as to what caused the fire but for now lets go you look extremely exhausted"

With one last glance she followed me towards my car and what may be our path to destruction.

(Couple minutes later)

I stared at her as her hands were wrapped around my neck and her breath grazing my chin. She was perfect and I remembered the way her lips had fit perfectly against mine and I would do anything to relive that moment but I was snapped out of my thoughts immediately when I heard......

"Whats she doing here" Kathryn hissed.

"I don't have time for this........ As you can see I have more important issues to attend to."

"You fucking...."

"Save it, now I'd like you off my property either willingly or by force, remember you will only be my wife by paper and trust me I'm trying everything possible in my power to ensure my fate wont be sealed with you......  Now get out of my way" I said pushing past her with Scarlett still sleeping like a baby.

I didn't turn back or I may just do the one thing my mother always told me never to do "hit a girl" and trust me I was tempted to.

Kirk opened the door instantly when he saw me through the cameras and I entered.

I carried her towards the guest room two doors from mine because I wanted her as close as possible...... My bed was up for
questioning but I doubt she'd be happy in the morning.

I called two maids to change her and whatever else was necessary, because I sure as hell don't think things would go as planned if I did.

I glanced at her one more time before I headed towards the kitchen, I had to get a drink and clear my mind.

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