Sometimes its not about the ending but about the story.
This is one story set in a whirlpool of emotion that will leàve you on the edges of your seat............ Set in the centre of lies,love,betrayal and sizzling passion.
Please note: Mature content so please read at our own risk......... Enjoy!!!!! ____________________________________
What should I wear?
As they say first impression is a last and I had no clue what to wear. I wanted something hot but at the same time classy.
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I didn't know what type of person my new boss was but I'm guessing I wouldn't be here in the first place if he was anything like his father.
Yesterday after I left the cafe I decided to make a stop and view the building before I went home. It was huge, looking at it made me feel like an ant in comparison to a human and I am not over exaggerating.
It was time to kick ass!
"He is expecting you........ Just go on the last floor once you're there you'll see his office" said the receptionist "and one more thing i'd advice you to take the elevator"
"Trust me I wouldn't have it any other way" I said chuckling as I went into the direction of the elevator.
To be honest I was afraid,not of my new job but everything on a whole......... This was my life now, and not knowing what the future holds scares me but who knows...... Who knows.
As the elevator opened, I stepped out and the first thing I noticed was that there was only one door on the entire floor.
I guess she wasn't kidding when she said "once your there you'll see office"
Here goes nothing.
I knocked twice and didn't hear any answer. What if it was like one of those scenes in the movies where they knocked on the door and when no one answered they opened the door,only to see the persons dead body.
What if an employee decided to take him out of the picture or some ex girlfriend wanted revenge or
OMG............ The last thing I expected to see was.Holy carnations!!!!!!!!!!
He, who I assume is my soon to be boss had some blonde bent over his desk while slamming into her while she screamed like some victim of murder.
I tried closing the door before they sensed but before I could I heard a deep voice obviously his "I know you are there"
I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or laugh. I mean I just saw them having SEX. That's going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
Omg......... Never in my entire lifetime have I ever seen anything as............. A-as disgusting as this, well except that time when I walked in on dad slapping mom on her ass repeatedly and I ran for my life before either of them saw me.
But still.........
Couple minutes later the same blonde was shoved outside with her clothes in her hands and by the looks of it she was crying.
I turned my back quickly because I couldn't risk seeing something ELSE that I would love to regret.
"Come in"
Well here goes nothing!
I didn't know what was more attractive............ The way his green eyes pierced my skin or that he was undeniably hot......... He wore a white button up shirt and matching white pants and the two top buttons were undone showing his chiseled chest, his muscles were hard to miss as each time he inhaled his shirt tightened against his chest.
(Image at the top)
"I don't appreciate you staring Ms. Winters" his voice pulled me from whatever trance I was in as I met his gaze.
"I wasn't staring and even if I wanted to, it wouldn't be worthwhile Mr. Smith" I said matching his tone
He got up from off the edge of his desk where he only seconds ago had sex and started advancing towards me and I stepped back slowly............
I mean he could be a sex addict for all I know and wanted to rape every female who stepped into his office or............ But beforeI could finish that thought my back was pressed against the wall and his hands caged me in preventing me from any means of escaping
My heart race increased rapidly and I noticed that his face was only inches away from mine........... He wouldn't dare.......
He turned his head and whispered against my ears and said "Is that so and next time you should knock first.......... That's what normal people do"
I shoved him away, I mean I am entitled to personal space after all.
"For your information Mr. Smith, I did knock but its quite obvious that some things are just too loud for you to hear a simple knock......." He chuckled and went around his desk and sat down.
"So of all the persons my dad chose to send he chose you........... The least he could do was send someone a little more what should I say attractive if you get what I'm getting at............ But you can go back I'm capable of handling things here and tell daddy dearest that we wont be going bankrupt anytime soon or liquidate our assets........... Now have a pleasant day Ms. Winters I'm a busy man" he said coldly
So this is how it is eh.
"Mr. Smith i think you are underestimating me for one of your mindless fuc...... Sex partners........... I am not leaving UNTIL your father tells me to....... I am not under your authority but your father's so until then I'm stuck here and as unappealing as that sounds I have a job to do and intend to so if you don't mind I'd like to begin as soon as possible"
For a moment he appeared shocked but he sure as hell covered it up quickly.
"Well then Ms. Winters if my words don't phase you then my actions will........ By the time I'm finished with you.,......... You'll be begging my dad to take you back" He said as if I was expected to be intimidated
"Ill have Melina show you around........... Enjoy your stay while it lasts Ms. Winters............ Now have a pleasant day"