Chapter 16

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Chapter 16!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉





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We all have regrets at some point in our lives...... Some more than others, for me I'd say from the moment I came back here. Is it so wrong to want answers but the thing is I don't know where to start asking questions.

Maybe mom was right, I should've stayed. But no I'm too stubborn and now I'm suffering the consequences...... Stuck with an asshole of a boss who I just happened to get tangled with, a burnt house and speaking of which, the house was deliberately set in flames...... No surprise there but what I can't understand is who and why. Then there's also the fact that I have nowhere to go..... Kinda.

You're probably wondering what I mean by "kinda", remember that awkward conversation with Jason a few days back well I haven't seen him since but after I left the world's biggest asshole's house I kinda ran into him and to cut the story short he found out about the whole fire and all and offered me a place to stay, your probably saying, why not?

Here's why not 1. I still haven't given him an answer and staying with him heightens the possibilities of me saying yes 2. There's just something off about him, I mean do you blame me, he could be feeding me bullshit and I think its icing cause I remember absolutely nothing! 3. Technically he's a stranger and what if he rapes me.

But then there's the fact that I'm basically homeless, Its not nearly time for my paycheck and I definitely wont ask my parents for help cause mom would do everything in her power to gloat that she was right after all.

So let me ask you...... What should I do?

1. Live on the streets?
2. Stay with Jason for the meanwhile?
3. Call Mom and Dad?

I mean living on the street doesn't seem too bad and plus it will be great experience and a hilarious tale to tell my children IF I have any.

Or maybe I'm overreacting and Jason is who he appears to be..... I think?

But then there's that nagging voice in my head telling me I'm not.

Oh your probably wondering..... Where am I,right? Oh you know this one story,luxurious bus stand sitting on a bench made of the finest gold there is. The next question your asking is how did I get here? So let's recap a bit from the point I told him goodbye or whatever it was I said.

(2 hours earlier)

"Ummm Mr. Smith" I said slowly and he turned slowly making the room feel tighter and did I mention I was claustrophobic..... Well I am

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" He said well more like shouted

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping me last night, I really appreciated it and I'm sorry if I cause any inconvenience. I should probably get going now so thanks again" I said leaving him shock.

Good Phase one of the plan was going perfectly, turning I opened the door and then "WAIT" I heard him say being me turning I saw a look of contemplation on his face.

"I'm so......" He started and then stopped "Never mind" he finally said and I closed the door behind me.


Apparently he was considerate enough to have his chauffeur bring me to my desired destination and that my friends is a complete mystery to me.

Was that thunder? Nah that's just the "No Breakfast Strike"

"Uh can you just leave me at the nearest cafe" I said, he turned to look at me raising his eyebrow in question as if to say "are you sure".

"Yea I'll be fine" he continued driving for a couple minutes further away from the mansion and closer to God knows where.
After a few twist and turns the car came to a stop, offering a smile I came out. 

CC's Cafe

This will have to do, I thought. Opening the door all eyes turned on me, its not my fault there's a big old bell at the top announcing my arrival. It was like one of those old cowboy movies where someone walks in and everyone is on the edge of their seats as if trouble was brewing.

Everyone continued what they were doing realising I was no threat. I cant even kill a cockroach, I mean do you see the size of those things, and they literally make my skin crawl....... I'd rather kiss a frog than be in a room with one of those things, at least there's a possibility of it turning into a handsome prince..... Right?

"What will ya have" Someone asked saving me from my own thoughts.

"Just a EBC sandwich and a cup of coffee please" just in case your wondering EBC is egg,bacons and cheese.

Couple minutes later she handed me a tray with my food in it and I paid her, taking a seat as far away as possible from the crowd I started eating.

After I was finished, I disposed of the sandwich wrap and the cup leaving the tray and then I left.

I've been walking for days maybe even weeks and I was dehydrated,hungry,tired,scared and........ Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating, just a bit. Or not

I was walking for a couple of minutes and the sun made its presence know to me the whole time.

"Scarlett!" I heard a voice shouting behind me, turning around I saw...... Shit!

"Jason, what a surprise seeing you here" I chuckled nervously. He seemed to notice.

"Yea this is kinda where I live now, after you left my parents left to 'travel the world' and sent me to live with my uncle, but he passed away last year then mom caught dad cheating on her,left then she met Dyson's dad " he rambled.

"I'm sorry" I said, even though it wouldn't bring him back. He offered a weak smile.

"So what are you doing here" he asked...... Oh brother!

"My house was set on fire last night and I stayed with a friend" It was true well most of it...... Its not like I was going to tell him that the 'friend' was my boss and his half brother who I happened to have slept with.

"You could stay with me you know, I have plenty of spare rooms"  he ran his hand through his hair nervously.

"Must be lonely" I said with a smile. "It is" he mumbled

"I'll think about it, I should probably get going" his face fell in disappointment but I brushed it off. He handed me a piece of paper  "if you change your mind" and then he left.

(End of flashback)

Taking out the paper I sighed and made a decision I know I'll regret later.


The End!

Hope you enjoyed.

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